130 Reef - complete rebuild


New member
After a 6+ month battle with Vermid snails, I decided on a complete breakdown & reset. The tank was emptied of all sand/rock/water and massively cleaned. She's full again & ready for fish. Any advice on adding my fish back in? I'm sure they'll need to be acclimated.

Any tips would be appreciated.
If you are talking about existing fish then just acclimatize your fish back to the main tank, I would have added first the water where the fish were and then the new water little by little.
Use one of those bacterial jump start solutions. Your cleaning likely killed off a lot of your healthy bacteria and your bioload will stay the same, so you'll need to compensate for it. Dose that stuff, feed carefully, and be prepared to do more frequent water changes for a little while.
You may also get the "ugly new tank syndrome" diatom and algae bloom that we all deal with for the first couple of weeks/months of the tank's life.