130cm x 70/75cm x 70/75cm with 12mm glass/Eurobraced?


New member

I am about to get my new tank made. I have decided on going eurobraced with either 12 or 15mm Diamant glass. The length will be 130cm.

The question is the width and height. I would like to go 75 x 75cm given that the tank will be filled to 5cm blow braces to allow for wavebox water motions. However I want to make sure I dont get bowing.

Can I get away with 12mm glass ands 10cm wide eurobracing at both top and base of tank for 75cm? Or is it better to ether go 15mm thick OR cut down size to 70cm x 70cm if I go with 12mm? Would I get bowing at 70cm with 12mm?

The tank maker seems to think 12mm is fine for 75cm, but thats the standard glass used here in Bangkok for up to 90cm tall and I think he would say anything for a sale.

Many thanks for any input
