14 Zoe/Paly frags came FedEx today!


New member
I placed this order on e-bay and am real satisfied. The guy is out of Indiana.
All but one type opened within a few hours a few right away!
Fruit loop
Blues Clues
Super Siayan
Lunar Eclipse
Blue bulls eye (not open)
Rainbow ring
Peanut butter cups
Star Fire
Tequila Sunrise
Hawaiian people eaters
Red people eaters
Blue eye dragon

Red Sea 130 / Six Line on patrol...

Rastas popped right open...

I like the Magician a lot

I'm not sure this ones name I cut it off a colony in my DT

Blues Clues...

I'll be getting a six line wrasse pretty soon. They are nice fishes. Their eyes are very interesting!

sadly, my six line jumped out of my frag tank last month :( currently waiting for them to go on sale from my LFS because I'm cheap lol
My wife works at my LFS can you say 25% off ��

What!?!?! That's cheating!!
How many people have wives that loves aquariums?
25% off on everything for your fish tank?!?!
And she probably can pick the best fishes and corals when they arrive?
Free quarantine?
Best deals!!
You are lucky!!!
LOL!!! :debi:
