$14K for a stand/hood?!?


New member
Well the new 4'x7'x30" tank is in on it's steel stand and the contractor is ready to build the wood stand skirt and hood/bookcase.
The tank divides our rec room and the hood goes up to the ceiling.
There are 3' widex2' thick double sided bookcases with a couple drawers on either side of the tank.
The contractor wants 14K to build this furniture to surround the existing tank and steel frame stand.
I was expecting maybe 7K but 14K?!?
Was I stupid and is this normal?
How well do you know this builder/cabinet maker and what are his credentials. Have you seen his work, or someone who has had work done by him and what was the cost. Usually builders who say they can do it quick, are charging high prices to make a bundle and the work is done cheap. Also depends on how many people will be in his crew.
I wouldn't pay 14k for double sides bookcases. Maybe if it was a little more complex with exotic woods and custom designed trim, built in lighting, and you get the idea.
I would get a couple of more estimates.
I had a contractor bid a remodel job on our home. I had three bids two of which were pretty close and about what I was expecting. The third came out of left field somewhere. The guy was almost 2.5 times the next highest bid.

When I suggested he may have made a mistake he was extremely argumentative, and told me "he pays his people well". My reply was "not with my money you don't".

the Moral - get more then one bid.
I framed in this entire family room including closet, wrapping steel beams and support columns with 2x4's, etc for $100-$150 in materials total. I'm thinking someone is paying their employess wayyy too much and is trying to scam you out of some quick cash. Must be using rare Arican bird's eye Malawian tiki balsa wood?


A couple more bids would'nt hurt. Ask if you can look at some of their work as well ask for references. Some of these contractors are artisans or craftsmen and you will be paying for quality conscience work. I know I have paid for my cabnit maker in the past.......I would say 14k is high but without knowing the complete details of the job it would be hard to price. JMO good luck and show us some pics when done.
Can you come up with a CAD drawing or something similar so we can see what you're wanting to build?
Shop around. There are some pretty hungry people out there in the contracting biz that would love to take a few grand for a stand, canopy, bookshelf build. Even try the guys at your local lumber yards
Weird dimension tank. Is that about 600g?

Also, you can get it done for even less than 7k. I wouldn't be happy paying more than half that tbh.
Thank you for the recommendations and information. I think the wife wants it in maple? All I know is the grain is small.
Yeah, 14K is alot for what your having done. Even if it were tiger maple or birds eye maple, raised panel doors and lots of mouldings that would still be 3x more than I would quote. I have stopped taking side work as I need to finish my boat and other projects but you just need to search and find the right craftsman.
I would say 3-6k for a really nice one, maybe 7 with the bookcase, again for REALLY nice stuff.

People are hurting bad right now man, hit a phone book and find a master carpender or 4 and see what they bid.

Screw going through a contractor, might as well just bend over for him.
Right now with our econamy ppl want to work. im sure you can find a price alot better then that poeple are hurting now some one will do it, like stated above hit a phone book and find some one with good work and a nice price.
TBH 14k sounds very high, and this is coming from someone in the business [general contractor, not fish business] who has built 8 custom tank stands in the last 4 weeks. Maple is high, but this contractor is high er.

I'm guessing no more than 2k in materials if it's maple tops. You should be looking at somewhere around $125 to $175 a SF on labor.

Ease up on the contractors guys. Not all of us are out to rip people off.
I would say less than $1000 in materials and less than 80 man hours with a crew of two. That would bring the total to about 5800, but I'm no carpenter.