14k or 20k, I just cant decide for myself. Anyhelp?


New member
I am about to purchase my first metal halide and am not sure which bulb will look better on my tank. The tank is a JBJ 12gal nano with LPS and zoas however I'd like to try a small clam or maybe some SPS. There is a JBJ fixture that has a 70 watt 14k HQI, and a Coralife fixture thats 150 watt 20k HQI. I think that 70 watts is better for my tank because its less likely to overheat the water. However the Coralife fixture is 150 watts and I could install a chiller. Im just not sure if the 14k bulb in the 70 watt will make my corals "glow" like I want them to. What do you all think? I've never boought a bulb based on kelvin ratings and I dont know what either one is gonna look like.
6 months ago I switched from 10 000K to 14 000K and I can tell you there is significant difference in the growth rate of my zoos and mush. But the color is better.
I have 175W bulbs.
14ks probably wont make them glow, just go with the 20k 150w unit, you'll probably get more par out of a 20k 150w than you would out of a 70w 14k.

pheel, next time you replace bulbs, give the 14k iwasaki a shot, more par than a 10k xm.

I would not put a clam under a 70W. IMO. I have a 70W and the intensity at the bottom of the tank isnt great. If you want a clam to stay healthy, go with the 150. If your worried about Par, zapata is right, more par from the 150 vs the 70. The 70 will allow SPS near the top, but you'd be pushing a clam at the bottom.
As far as color, I like the 14K with Actinics. Its a nice mix, but I have never had a 20K bulb so I cant compare.
Thanks for the input. My only worry about the 150watt is that it may be too much for the tank. Is that possible? If I added a chiller all would be okay, right? I also have some zoas that are about 2" below the surface. Would the 150watt lamp burn them?
for a 12 gallon nano? the 70 watt would be fine for sps and just about anything else. the 20 k will make your corals glow more however it makes it the overall tank look blue. the 14 k is what i'd get.
Okay, for more glow go with the 20k. If I want the most growth then go with the 14k. I am fond of the blue look personaly and the 20k has the glow that Im looking for. The only thing I am unsure about know is if 150 watts (with a ICA chiller installed) will be harmful to my tank being only a 12gal? Is there possibility of sunburning my zoas at the top of the tank with so many watts per gallon? Thanks again for all the help by the way. :)