New member
I am about to purchase my first metal halide and am not sure which bulb will look better on my tank. The tank is a JBJ 12gal nano with LPS and zoas however I'd like to try a small clam or maybe some SPS. There is a JBJ fixture that has a 70 watt 14k HQI, and a Coralife fixture thats 150 watt 20k HQI. I think that 70 watts is better for my tank because its less likely to overheat the water. However the Coralife fixture is 150 watts and I could install a chiller. Im just not sure if the 14k bulb in the 70 watt will make my corals "glow" like I want them to. What do you all think? I've never boought a bulb based on kelvin ratings and I dont know what either one is gonna look like.