15 gallon complete FS

you mentioned you have "zoos, some mushrooms, and other assorted corals"

can you describe further and give some prices?
yes i do. all the corals that are in the tank are coming with the tank except for the oens i mentioned. however i will not jsut part out the corals. the only way to part out the tank itself is to sell the livestock first and i believe i have a buyer for that already. the only thing ill have left are the clwons nd the sand which must go. as for corals, they are just small frags and some mini colonies that have been rooted on the rock. as for prices, i quoted the guy $75 for the rock and coral and fish, but he doesnt want the clowns because he already has a pair in his tank. this rock has been with me since i got into the hobby over 4 years ago. a list of coral is as follows
1 green sinularia leather, colony not a frag
assorted zoo frags ,large and small, about 12 in total
assorted mushrooms, about i dont know maybe 25 total
5 headed candy cane coral
thats about it. i was working on jsut growing in a lush environment of these corals but time constraints and other thngs prevent me from doing this now. also got some xenia in the tank i can take to my other tank if you dont want it. if interested i can post pics, im goona go snap some now of the tank.
ill sell the clowns for $20 (paired) as for the lgiths, i wont sell without the livestock being gone. how else wil lthey survive if i dont give them light? the lights are in the canopy, and as a whole it will sell for $70. it still needs to be finished (painting, but i have the paint and will give htt to whoever buys the canopy). A resonalbe offer on the whole setup and i would sell all of it off. jsut trying to get rid of the system so i can get on with more pressing matters. thanks. pics coming tonight.
ok here is the update. all corals have been sold and the rock has been too. all i got left is my pair of clowns, the 15 gallon blue backed tank, canopy with vho lights, small aquafuge HOB refugium and the stand. ill sell thge tank, stand, canopy, and fuge as a combo for 150 cash if you can pick up. the clowns for $20 ( for the pair) thanks-phil
hey update, the tank has lost the hob fuge it cracked today while i was doing regular maintenence. i need to get rid fo this tank stand and canopy ASAP. its perfect time to do this. Ill send pics via email, just pm me or post here and pics will go right out. 120 OBO (the vho ballast, bulbs, and endcaps killed me thats why its so high. im definatly willing to considder all offers so please make them. thanks.