150g reef planning.


New member
I am planning my 150g reef. I am just wondering if it would be OK to go skimmerless? I plan on having it pretty filled with LR, can't decide on sand ore not, and I want to have a big fuge as my main filtration. Like 55g, or a 40g breeder? So I am asking what would be a good sized fuge for a 150 reef, and can I go skimmerless.

I have this CSS65 laying around, so maybe I could just use that and have it skim really dry? Just to take out the majorly bad stuff? That sounds good to me. Thanks
I don't think I would build a new system today without a skimmer unless it was a seahorse tank. I only have 7 fish in my system and my skimmer pulls out some nasty stuff.

I guess if you did very frequent water changes and siphoned out the tank very often it might be possible.

I would probably skim dry and If you start to notice anything bad you can increase the skimmer and do a couple of water changes ..

I did the Ecosystem a while back and it did pretty well as long as you do bi weekly water changes and have a lot of cleaner animals
To make up for the skimmer you would need to do huge frequent water changes. On a tank this size you really need a good skimmer. I have an ETSS rated for about 200 gallons. Since it is too small for my system I will be adding another 'smaller' skimmer and using two. You can use the one you have and then add another once your stocking levels determine another will be necessary.
I would want to run skimmerless because the nutrients and fish poo that they take out are good for corals. When you have a skimmer, then it takes out the rich nutrients so then you have pretty much dead water in there.
So you'd rather have this crap in your water?!?

That stuff is very good for corals. I read somewhere that this guy poured a whole gallon of dark skimmate back into his water to see is his skimmer would pull it back out fast. And then he realozed that all of his corals polyps were SUPER extened, and his xenia started pulsing, etc. So it is in a way good for your corals.