175 watt MH?

Yep, that would do great about 10" from the surface. Are you going to use any suplimental lighting for the actinic, if not then you should use a 14k bulb, otherwise you may end up with all your corals being more towards the brown side. The actinic lighting helps bring out the flourescense from your corals and the 14k is designed for those that don't have actinic supplimental lighting as well as the 15k and 20k bulbs.
Sounds good, you should do well with that. I would not use a canopy with such a small tank and that much light, it would get a lot of heat transfer in a canopy with such a small tank. I would still keep an eye on the heat making sure you temp doesn't rise to quickly when the lights turn on and there is not more than a 3-4 degree change from day and night, preferably only a 2 degree change.
Becareful adding fish with that much light on a small tank. Fish Poo + lots'o'light=HAIR ALGAE. Just my $.02.