180 fs

Hey Gang,

After being in south Florida for 2 years, my wife and I are relocating again and will not be taking my 180 with me. I am going to outline what all is included. The tank itself is a glass (non-drilled) tank that does not leak, does not have and chips in the glass. There are, however, some scratches in the glass and the price reflects this. The scratches aren't too noticeable but they are there and I want to be upfront.

*180 gallon (6x2x2) glass tank
*Wood stand and canopy. This was stripped down, re-inforced and refinished. The canopy was made by me and has to vent holes on the top for fans. The stand would handle a 210 without any problem.
*200+ pounds of liverock.
*200+ pounds live sand.
*3 x 250 SE MH, 2 IceCap ballasts and 1 Reef fanatic ballast.
*4 x 96 watt PC lights
*2 3/4" Sea Swirls
*Oddyssea PS 160 protein skimmer
*Return pump, in sump
*40 gallon breeder sump with 3 compartments. Intake section with skimmer, refugium, and return section with return pump.
Power compact lighting over the refugium
Single and dual overflow boxes. Have a second dual overflow box that could be incorporated into system
Fish include:
Yellow tang 5"-6"
Hippo tang 5"-6"
Naso tang 5"-6"
8 Green chromis
2 True Percula clowns
1 Arc Eye Hawkfish
1 Diamond Goby
1 6 line wrasse
2 blue damsels
Numerous hermit crabs and snails
Several, 4-5, emerald mithrax crabs
2 Red mithrax crabs
3-5 Camel shrimp
2 RBTA, one is 9"-10" across, the other 10"-12" across
Hammer coral, 4 heads
Frogspawn frag 1 head
Colony of metallic green hairy mushrooms
Colony of bluish hairy mushrooms
4 stage RO filter

I am sure that I am forgetting some things and will include other items that I come across.
Not looking to part out, don't have the time for that unless I get someone that wants the livestock and equipment.

For club members I am asking $1000.00 OBO
Any questions, please PM me.


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May be willing to do some partial trading. I may be interested in some LED lighting that I could use on a future set up, I can possibly see an 8 foot 240 in the future. Or maybe some other items of interest.
Price drop $800.00 for the entire package if I can get it sold before Friday evening. Willing to sell just the live rock and live stock all together for $450 and then the equipment for $450 after the live stock is gone. Leaving on vacation for 2 weeks and would like to have this gone. Still willing to take partial trades.