180 gall Reef build


New member
Gents, I have the oporunity to do a very cool tank and was wondering if i could get your input and help.

I have been given a 180 gallon tank and am looking to set up a reef tank with it. As of right now the plan is to have the 180 gal display, this will be plumbed through my wall and into my back yard to a sump. ( not sure of the size yet but it will be atleast 70 gall.) This will then be plumbed to another room in the house for a second 29gallon smaller seahorse tank.

Positives and negitives:

Positives: I live in bermuda.. The water is clean and clear and i know where to get just about ever creature i would ever need for a reef tank. (thus no cost in coral, fish, inverts. alge. sand live rock. ect ect ect.) I own a comershal diving business and have the means and know how to collect everything fresh and alive.

Negitives: I live in bermuda.. The cost of electricty is between .30c and .35cents a kwh. (KILLER, personally i think its immoral considering they have a monopoly but thats just my opinion). the humidity is always above 80% and its really hot for 9 months out of the year. Water is also an issue considering that we have tanks under our houses and catch it on our roofs from rain. Evaporation is going to be a huge issue.

Tank plan.
The tank has no overflows so i would like to drill the back and put in a few. ( not sure if the tank is drillable or not. i heard that if you look at the glass with polized lenses you can see dimond shape and that means it tempard.. if not then its not. does this sound true?)
As of right now i am looking for the lowest electricty consumption i can get... I am looking at tunze power heads (are they safe with anenomes?) and a gen x pump (are they the lowest elect consump? i have been looking, i think its the lowest).

Then i have really been fighting with 175w vs 250 w... on an 8 hour a day 12 month a year its about $200 diffance.. i can live with that i think. But i think i am going to go with the icecap ballists. not sure yet.

Then its the big money coster im going to need a chiller because it is alway hot here i am looking at a 1/2 hp chiller right now just becasue i would rather it be to big then too small and running all the time.

Oh did i mention that i want to set up a eco system, no skimmer and a huge refuge ( i think considering i have tones of clean water and sand and rock at my disposal why go with a skimmer?)
i want to use a dsb and a ton of live rock.

If you guys can help with any of my questions it would be more then great. some of the reefs i have been watching are sooooooo amazing. i cant wait to show you my build.

PS it might take a little while due to fund restrictions. So please have paitence i will post pics as much as i can.

Well for starters i would start with a hang on skimmer, i would be afraid, personally to drill a 180, i service a 180 bow front, its a great tank. And as for the lights i would go with the 250 only for the penetration. Im really jealous, i grew up diving, my dad owned a dive shop till i was about 18, so i started diving when i was about 7, but ive never dove Bermuda, been to Cozumel, Aruba, Cayman which are my favorite, and a few others, but i would Love to come to Bermuda. And the fact that your live stock will be limitless is awesome! As far as your anenomes just keep the power heads away from the rock work and sand, out of there reach. And the chiller will be great too, but im not sure due to your high humidity if you will have as much evporation as you think, but im may be wrong on that one. Anyway cant wait to see the pics
well i figure i can get the penetration with the lumen bright reflectors. the tank is 6' by 2' by 2' so if i have 3 of them i should be ok no? im not tryting to grow my coral like crazy but i do want the color.
Yep 3 of the MH's would be perfect, and if its 2" deep then you could go either way, and if you had a coral that needed more light you could just put him higher in the rock work. Cant wait to see the pics
the 175w have two positives.. 1 lower electricity. 2 lower heat.
yes they will cast less light but i dont need a crazy tank, if i want a sps with less light reqirments ill dive it up from deeper water.