180 overflow ?


New member
Ok i have this thread some what on the general disscussion but maybe I could get more help here.

I have 180 rr but it only hasa center overflow with a 1" drain hole. NOw I will be getting a hammerhead pump as my return becasue I need it to pump enough flow w/ about 20 of head pressure. The sump is in the basment thats why. So The hammer head says that @ 20 it will pump 2400 gph But I am affraid that the 1" hole only handles about 600gph.

So Im not sure that I could boar out the hole bigger but if that not an option is there any thing else I could do ?
I'm over here too :) haha

Who is the tank manufacturer?? Most (close to all) glass tanks are made with tempered glass bottoms. If you try drilling it, the tempered glass will shatter...So unless you know for sure that its not tempered, don't take the chance.
Well like I said it was custom made for him in brooklyn so I will find out. But if it was don;t you think they would just buy the glass and put it together and stuff and not be an actual glass making shop ? IDK just my thoughts

Yeah thanks for coming over lol I jsut figured I would get more responses over here but evrything has been helpfull
Ok So I got off the phoe with the people that made the tank and they said that they did not tempor the glass after being drilled So I can drill it again now what size hole should I make it ? 3" or 2"
Where do you guys get all these charts from !!! there freaking awesome. I had no idea we had access to such information. The only problem I see with that is the 36" liner overflow size ? The tank is only 24 high so IDK
the 36 linear overflow means you would want 3 12" sides |_| like that if that makes any since.... or you could have one that come out 8 inches and across 16 inches basically all 3 sides need to add up to 36"