180g Super Display Refugium/Mangrove Tank

For the past three or four years now I have always had a display refugium tied to my display tanks. It wasn't just a want, it seemed to be a need. I love the combination of a reef aquarium with corals, and the beauty of flowing saltwater plants in wave currents. Because my history includes many freshwater tanks, I couldn't get away from the attraction I have to plants and aquascaped planted aquariums. However, as I have matured in the saltwater hobby, I have found what I liked about saltwater plants and what I disliked. Since this thread is going to be dedicated to my new display refugium, I figured I better focus on plants instead of corals(even though corals will occupy the refugium as well). Here is the history of my refugiums and what I've learned, liked, and disliked;

72g bowfront mixed reef, 30g display refugium


Species of macros in this tank:
C. mexicana
C. prolifera
C. brachypus
Ulva sp.
H. ingrassata
Gracilaria sp.
Rhizophora mangle

This was my first attempt at a display refugium. Things I really liked about this tank was the added water volume to the aquarium with the nitrate removing power of plants. What I found to be the most challenging was the control of caulerpa from growing out of control. As you can see from the first picture. After most of it was removed, I added some of the red algae. I can't remember all of the species I had in this aquarium, but I didn't have great success. Later I realized that an iron supplement was necessary. While I had Red Mangrove propagules, they also faired relatively poor in this tank.

90g Reef Flat Tank, 30g Half Cube refugium


Species of Macros:
C. prolifera
C. brachypus
Gracilaria sp
H. pannosa
R. mangle

Attempt number two had the same results as the first refugium with caulerpa, but better success with red and brown macros(for the life of me I can't remember the brown species). I also like the shallow tank. It was easier to pull fast growers out and find room for other unique additions. It was also where my sickly gifted mandarin lived before it was moved to the big tank when my mantis came into the picture.

I know the picture is bad. But she was so awesome.

60g Cube Mixed Reef, 60g Cube Mangrove Tank, 30g Half Cube Refugium


Species of macros were the same transferred from the flat

This setup had great potential. However the execution was poor. I had at the time a 30" mangrove that I received from a friend that I thought would look great inside the cube. Unfortunately one of the main knees was damaged causing a massive phosphate issue that produced nuisance algae. After the corals were sold off so I could fix the problem, my interest dwindled with this setup. It became the recovery tank for the mangrove that is now over three feet tall.

But now my interest is resurrected...

350g Mixed Reef, 180g Display Mangrove Tank/Refugium/AWESOMENESS


So. After months of planning and negotiating, I have acquired this massive reef tank (well the backstory is the previous owner of this aquarium was a client of mine that he had me design and setup this tank, and due to him moving couldn't take the tank). We planned all the corals together and most of the fish. With the exception of a coral nip happy gold flake angelfish. But I have come to love him, and he seems to be fine with SPS, so I decided to put corals he loves to eat inside the 180g refugium. Luckily for me, they are all corals that will do fine in the same conditions as the macros. Since I designed the 350 and built the 180, they follow the same dimension scheme that means they almost look like they were meant to be side by side.

As of now, I have yet to decide all the corals/plants that are going inside the refugium but know that it will have a combination of LPS, NPS, Softies, Seagrasses, Macros and Mangroves. The main reef is staying SPS dominate. I will continue to update my progress and plant selections as time goes by. Hopefully with lots of juicy pictures. Hope to talk to y'all and get some advice and questions.
Thats going to be another great collection.

Hope it all goes well and am excited to see the pictures of the progress comming up
I love this idea. I want one. My sump is smaller than i want but i have no room to make it larger in my cabinet. So if i did this i could keep the smaller sump but still add water volume and macros. Light bulb! Thanks
Each of those display refugiums are downright amazing looking.

It's where I hope my builds go! I can't wait to follow along!

May I ask what you can attribute to your success with display refugiums?

Any mud involved?


Where the nutrients all provided by the main tank?
Are using 3 - xr15 pros on that reef tank? If so how well do they do on corals? I just purchased a 220 reef ready and I have two radion xr30 pros on my current setup which I was going to put on that tank plus i have a xr15 pro on another that I was going to consider placing in the middle. By the way sweet looking setup.
Each of those display refugiums are downright amazing looking.

It's where I hope my builds go! I can't wait to follow along!

May I ask what you can attribute to your success with display refugiums?

Any mud involved?


Where the nutrients all provided by the main tank?

Hey Thanks. I did love all the refugiums a lot. I have found if you are going to be building a tie on display fuge, you should attempt to make it at least half the volume of the display tank. I know that isn't always possible and even on this new build it isn't half the water volume of the display reef tank. As far as dosing, I only dosed iron, magnesium, and trace elements. I didn't use mud, and won't unless plants are really suffering. All nutrients were supplied by the main tank, and let me tell you all my plants were just fine with that.

Are using 3 - xr15 pros on that reef tank? If so how well do they do on corals? I just purchased a 220 reef ready and I have two radion xr30 pros on my current setup which I was going to put on that tank plus i have a xr15 pro on another that I was going to consider placing in the middle. By the way sweet looking setup.

Yes those radions but the XR30Wpros. the picture was before I installed the two 400w 20k MH. So yes, they did grow corals but I felt like that wasn't enough so I added the two other lights. In your setup that might be enough. What are the dimensions of your aquarium? My reef is 30X30X90". Here is a more recent picture of the tank with the new lights on as well.
Wow, I'm so excited to watch this project progress! Thanks for sharing your background, that was very interesting, sounds like everything has led up to this project. Tons of potential here and I have no doubt that it's going to be amazing!
Well got some water splashed in, and the mangrove positioned to where it will stay. He seems to be adjusting to the move alright. Even though it is too early to make assumptions.

As you can see he sticks out of the aquarium at 30" with his root base firmly planted on a thin sand layer. I will tie his branches down so they begin to create a canopy over the tank. Hopefully I can finish the plumbing in the next couple of days to get the closed loop up and running. Than I can start adding the final touches before plants arrive.

Rock work is going in now. Here is a picture of the basic layout design. Will probably tweak it some.
Yes those radions but the XR30Wpros. the picture was before I installed the two 400w 20k MH. So yes, they did grow corals but I felt like that wasn't enough so I added the two other lights. In your setup that might be enough. What are the dimensions of your aquarium? My reef is 30X30X90". Here is a more recent picture of the tank with the new lights on as well.

I see now. You had the lights turned. My tank dimensions are 72Lx30Hx24W. Thanks for your input
Here is the layout after the rocks have been placed. Will still try to bank the sand up more in the back for seagrasses. First order of plants has been placed and should arrive after thanksgiving sometime.

Before Total Water Volume


After Total Water Volume




Im going to be ordering some seagrasses this coming week. I figure they would be a good addition while the nutrients are high. Get them primed and acclimated well before the other plants get added.
You said something in your first paragraph, I have a fuge underneath and use GFO also. Have read it releases Iron, wondering if that is causing hair algae on my sand. My Cheato grows like crazy. All tests zero, and do all the right things but it keeps growing no matter what.

Love the idea, ever tried a Bamboo tree? Don't know if it can be in Salt Water we have one on our window seal. Fresh Water of course....
You said something in your first paragraph, I have a fuge underneath and use GFO also. Have read it releases Iron, wondering if that is causing hair algae on my sand. My Cheato grows like crazy. All tests zero, and do all the right things but it keeps growing no matter what.

Love the idea, ever tried a Bamboo tree? Don't know if it can be in Salt Water we have one on our window seal. Fresh Water of course....

Also how do you do the plumbing from tank to tank? To make sure it keeps flow and doesn't have problems?

I only used GFO in my first aquarium and never had iron leaching that caused hair algae. Do you rinse your GFO before adding it to the aquarium? Nuisance algae is almost always a product of excessive nutrients such as phosphate in the aquarium and sufficient light. Chances are good that your water is testing a false reading due to the aggressive algae growth. How old is your tank, or did you use used sand? As far as the bamboo goes, it would be unable to process saltwater an rot inside the tank. Few vascular plants have the ability to survive in saltwater.

Plumbing for the first tank was done with a simple gravity feed. The water from the 72 just flowed first from the overflow to the display fuge. All the other systems either piggybacked off the main pump to supply just enough for water circulation, or had its own separate pump. All draining was through an overflow standpipe like most reef tanks would.
Here is the layout idea I have been playing around with. The first picture is the top view, and the second is the layout design.

I only used GFO in my first aquarium and never had iron leaching that caused hair algae. Do you rinse your GFO before adding it to the aquarium? Nuisance algae is almost always a product of excessive nutrients such as phosphate in the aquarium and sufficient light. Chances are good that your water is testing a false reading due to the aggressive algae growth. How old is your tank, or did you use used sand? As far as the bamboo goes, it would be unable to process saltwater an rot inside the tank. Few vascular plants have the ability to survive in saltwater.

Plumbing for the first tank was done with a simple gravity feed. The water from the 72 just flowed first from the overflow to the display fuge. All the other systems either piggybacked off the main pump to supply just enough for water circulation, or had its own separate pump. All draining was through an overflow standpipe like most reef tanks would.

Ya run 3 gallons out of tank through GFO reactor before moving it to the tank.

My tank is 7 Months old, didn't start happening till around 6 Month. Seems to be leaching from Sand as it is always lower part of rocks, and sand.

It was new sand Aragonite, wish I woulda cycled separate then put Rock and Sand in tank. Next time :)

One thing I may have done is put too many Nas Snails and had a Fighting Counch, after about month 2 have only seen 1 Nas Snail for over 3 months, or the way I fed in beginning, since have changed. Either way, thanks

Use Bulk Reef Supply GFO, have read posts how GFO can increase iron levels. Was just a aha moment.

Can't wait to see how yours turns out!