180gal build(need advice)



this is what im planning for my new tank. i would like to get some feed back and see if there is anything i should do differently.

background info...
180gal tank standand with corner overflows
dart pump(3600gph)
PSO4 reactor
C reactor
CA reactor
1/4hp chiller
1 tunze in the display

1. is it ok to elevate the sump so i can utilize space and put my ato reservoir underneath?

2. if i choose to use spaflex on the return line, what is the best and most efficient way to connect it to both returns and be able to feed a line to the 2 reactors and the chiller?

3. if i decide to tee off the return at the end in the display and have a total of 4 eductors, will there be a lot of back pressure and if so would there be enough to have a separate line come over the top of the tank in the middle and have another eductor.

4. should i put the ball valve or the union next to the bulkhead on the return line.

any comments are welcome, been doing some research on the matter and it seems it's a matter of preference on a lot of this stuff but i would really like to maximize the gph from the pump as

1) It's ok to elevate the sump, but the problem is going to be height for you skimmer. Make sure you have enough clearance to run a big enough skimmer to keep a 180 clean. And not just the skimmer, make sure there's a few extra inches so you can easily remove the collection cup.

2) My return Ts off a 1" line to the chiller, which returns to the sump. You could do that, and also direct some of that flow through the reactors. Spaflex can be glued into standard PVC fittings. Many people use standard PVC glue/cement, but there are some specialized ones that are better at softening/bonding the spaflex material.

3) I wouldn't recommend eductors with a dart. It moves a lot of water at low pressures, but falls off very fast as pressure builds. Eductors really excel with a pressure rated pump. Look at some of the smaller pressure-rated Iwakis to get an idea what they cost, but also pay attention to wattage. You'll have to decide if it's economical to run a small pressure rated pump with eductors, or run an unrestricted dart.

4) Usually, you'll end up space limited. I put a dual-union ball valve on mine to allow for easier pump removal, but the 2" ball valve is just huge - as big as the pump itself. If you go with just a union, you can always seal off the sump by plugging the bulkhead intake with a short length of PVC and a cap.


I have to agree with the advice above. I would not elevate the sump. I would add a kalk reactor attached to the ro/di.

Here is a link to tank of month. I can't locate the one that only did one water change a year. I don't recommend this for sps corals. If you need assistance setup the tank, I maybe able to help.


Here is the link to my question about Prodibio:
