2 Damsels in my 210g Reef. Help!

How big are the damsels? I have a scuba slurp gun that I use to get my stubborn fish out, I let SteveM borrow it for an aggressive fish he has in his beautiful tank. Works great from my experience.
huh.... I've never heard of that. Is it exactly what it sound? it "slurps" them up? They or "normal" damsels size <= 1"

So you vote is take them out?

I let SteveM borrow it
Hey Craig...I tried at 3am when the clown was sleeping. As soon as I turned my flashlight on, he went into the rocks. Tonight I will try again but I will wait for my eyes to adjust to the dark and no flashlight. If it's the last thing I ever do, I will catch that SOB clown. Anyone reading this, my clarke clown has grown so big, he bites me and draws blood from my arm or hand. He has teeth and it hurts. He is a great fish, beautiful and great to other fish but you don't want to put your hand in the tank. :(
Craig, I will keep you posted and thanks for letting me barrow your suction gun.

mkarston....I would get those damsels out while you can. They can also be mean.
I have no previous experience with damsels other then using them when we first got our tank set up and then we removed them. We only have a 29g and can only handle a handful of fish so that's why I took it out.

I hear they can get pretty mean and territorial.


Mine looks exactly like that bottom one. I don't remember exactly how much it was, I know it was pricey because we got it at a local dive shop only because I had store credit there.

BTW Steve we will take that clown off your hands if you don't mind, it will give us something for the tank since we are still not sure at all what we are going to do with it.
maybe a suction gun would work on my cardinal, and a friend of mine has one for pool parties he might let me modify

Hi, most fish will sleep in one spot. Figure out their spot. Cover the tank with a dark drop cloth. the darker you make the tank the better. Let the fish go to sleep. In the mean time, gather as many lamps as possible. A single large, BRIGHT, flashlight works even better. Have the net and/or specimen container ready. Take the cloth off while a second person quickly shines the flashlight and turn on the lights.

The fish will be stunned for a few seconds and you will be able to scoop them.

It really does work BUT you have to be able to get to where the fish sleep.

Hope this helps and let me know how it turns out if yu try it.
I had 2 of them in my first .I had a hell of a time gettig them out......wentto bass pro shop and asked the men for the smallest hooks they have.....he took me back to the fly rod section and showed me some hook,,,,,,,I forget the size but they were smaill hooked me up a piece of shrimo and some line 4# test and the smaill hook and toook to fishing.....piece of shimp toss it in the and wam were on.....them hime out and put him in a "Q" tank.......as of today I brt his still living
the light method works well, every time i need to catch a fish out of my tank i just do it in the morning before the lights turn on, all the fish are deep asleep. Flip all the lights on at once and it stuns them for about 5 min, if they can swim at all they will swim like they are drunk.. ;)
Yeah, i guess I now just need to discover where they sleep. I looked this morning while the lights were out, and I couldn't find them (there is about 300 lbs of live rock in this tank).
damsels tend to sleep deep into the rockwork, you might have a hard time catching them as they might stay in the rocks.

slurp guns alot of people dont recommend them, even for wild catching, as it puts an extreme amount of stress to the fish. ive read people have sucked eyes out of fish theyve caught before using them.

ive used my acrylic trap for my yellow tail damsel and it worked good.

but brians idea about using the hook would be good too, it works great for alot of fish, and they heal up quick. Try your very best to get a barbless hook though.
A friend of mine actually got so frustrated she used a wet/dry vac to get a puffer out of her tank...the puffer even made it through the ride without a problem! It's the funniest story I've heard in a long time!

I don't know how feasible this would be for a 210, but I have heard of people draining the water out of their tanks to scoop up unwanted fish, then immediately putting the water back in. That would be really tough to do for a 210, though.

Of course, you could always buy a lionfish or a grouper to take care of your damsel problem!