2 easy questions?


New member
first, i got some astrea snails yeserday and they dont seem to move around the tank much during lighted hours, is this normal?

second, i really need help with a stocking list for my 75g, it is my first tank and i dont really know any fish personalities and how they act and everything. I need all of your help stocking my tank, like what would you get first and why? other fish you would then later add? Corals that would be good started corals, but not take over my whole tank? Getting MH later but for now only have the lights in my sig.

Thanks everyone... Mike
some snails are more active at night, my astreas seem to be 24hr active, if they seem fine at night i wouldnt worry, if they dont move at night or day did you aclimate them? for your first fish, it seems like your going towards a reef tank, so youll want to look for "reef safe" fish, my first few fish were some blue/green chromis and a damsel (i wish i never got the damsel, picks on everything and is a pain to get out) id go for some clowns and maybe a goby (lawnmower) as for more fish everybody has preferances but research first about the future fish, what it eats,what fish it gets along with or doesnt, and if its reef safe
yes, all i did with the astreas to acclimate though was stick them to the top of the tank and let them acclimate themsleves and at first they moved to different spots around the tank, but now are not moving anymore. hmmm, well have to see
How long has the tank been up?

There are lots of options for a 75G tank. Just be aware of fish that don't mix with certain corals. A pair of True Percula Clowns is always nice. A Royal Gramma? A pair of Carpenter's Wrasse's would work well. All are nice, generally hardy, and won't break the bank.
Corals that would be good started corals, but not take over my whole tank? Getting MH later but for now only have the lights in my sig

I would say that just about any of the LPS corals are pretty easy. Way back in the day when all I had was flourescents, I had some nice brains, a fox, frogspawn etc. Can't go wrong with mushrooms either...my .02