2 large green bali slimers frags for sale

Rogger Castells

New member
My wife "accidentally" broke off two pieces of my A. Yongei while attempting to clean the glass, I had place this coral in the sand in front, I was going to relocate him to lower grounds as he was already touching the water surface.
The pieces are 1.5 & 2" each piece is $10 first come first serve. Pm me or call me.
tough to take care of? for $10 i may be interested... let me do some research... put me #1 on the list but if anyone actually comes to you (physically) first thats fine by me...
Dam Rogger....I wish I had the time, but with my kids sick, especially the 10 month old I am stuck this time. Awesome
deal though.
LOL.....if by chance (God willing) They are still there Sat I will pass by anytime you are available and get them for sure!!!
(Here goes a prayer)