2 Months after Major Die off New Life Starts


New member
Today I really looked at my tank. And rocks that looked dead 2 weeks ago have started to sprout new life. I noticed some unusual GSP that I didn't put in the tank growing on rock that used to be in the sump. I had about 15 different types of Zoos before and thought all but 2 were gone. Today, looking through the rock I found some that survived were growing deep in the base rock. I am going to leave them there with a plug near by till they start to spread. Too bad I can't say the same about the Sps corals. Seems once there gone there gone.
Leave any corals in there including SPS as long as possible. You'd be amazed at what can come back. I told you about the dead brown acro I just left in the tank since it was a tiny little piece and wasn't hurting anything. After about 5 months or so of no polyps I thought I saw a little a little fuz growing on the rock. After closer examination the polyps were back.
I saved most of the Acro Corals, they are in the sump under a 6500K light. I figure you could look at them and tell better then I. Whats funny is the green acro I was holding for you is the one I think might come back. It may just be green algae but it has a green fuz growing on it which it didn't have before.
I don't even remember what that coral looked like to begin with, but I'll take a look. Ken will probably know best if he remembers to bring his little magnifying glass.
Got it, Thanks for the frag Ken. I glued it to a frag plug and will place it in the main tank Monday.

Thanks Ken
Also did someone leave a frag in my tank? There is a mushroom I was not expecting. If its yours yell.
I got those and thanks by the way. The one I am talking about was Ted's. If he doesn't come claim it soon I will split it with you. Just kidding