That was why katieandjon asked, because a vortech definitely won't work on curved glass. I actually clicked into this thread because I was curious how you were envisioning doing this.
Depending on the thickness of the acrylic and the curvature, you might be able to place shims to even out the dip on the inside and the bridge on the outside to make a flat surface, but I think with a tank that size, the curvature will be too tight for that to work (the net thickness would be too much if shimmed).
Honestly, what I would recommend is looking into a Gyre pump or two. I would set them up in vertical position, vertically parallel, and run them on low slow forward motion. You could set the pumps up to go in reverse every few hours so you're not creating entirely laminar flow (although I think in this instance, laminar flow will likely be unavoidable), or maybe even have them pulse on-off (do it in software, not through a lamp timer) every few seconds so that they move the entire volume of water and then stop again.
I'm really curious how a cylinder tank works out, particularly if you're going to be doing corals. Let us know the results!