2 Part Supplies Locally in the summer?


New member
Anyone know where I can get Drive Way Heat locally in the summer time? maybe a place online someone knows of?

Or does anyone have enough to spare to make 5 gallons of water?
two part solution was going to be my sugestion too, Chris. BUt I'm not aware of any local supplies off winter season. Who still carries the calcium chloride and mag flake around here, all year round? I thought they all sent back stock after winter to their suppliers. I just stock up at home depot when the first snow flies.

With the size of your current tank, snabbles, if it's a high calcium demand tank with lots of hard corals, you would probably need at least a 50 pound bag of calcium chloride and half a bag of mag flake per year. the baking soda and epsom salts can be bought anywhere .
on South Market( Diamond chemical) there a janitorial supply house. you can also get it from some pool supply places' also but i have plenty of the peladow(100+lbs)
Oh, that is true about the pool shops. they sell calcium chloride to raise calcium levels in pool water. it's the good stuff. does diamond carry the mag flake in summer too?

I have an extra 9.5 pound jug of driveway heat if you want it. and some mag flake too.
i dont know if they carry Mag Ken but HD carries it and they dont always send it back after the season is over. what you have to do is look on there top shelves for it. if you ask they will just say no, we dont have it. but the last 2 bags we got of mag were from HD last fall because i saw it and asked them to pull it down
Interesting. that may be. I did keep an eye on my local airport HD top shelf last summer, and nothing came in till winter season. i bought my stuff the first week they got stock, like sometime in november? but 2partsolution will have it year round, allbeit at a slightly marked up price. It's still a good deal when you need it, or for people in the warm south, that get no snow in winter.
`i used to work at HD and they dont send stuff back, it gets tagged, wrapped, and put up out of the way. ok so what is driveway heat and mag flake. calcium and magnesium? for the tank?
Just saw this on another forum, thought you guys should see it:

Dow has issued a statement that the Mag Flake formula has changed and that they consider it to be no longer reef safe. yes, Dow says do NOT put it in your tank!

As a result most people are switching back to the tried and true Epsom Salt.

If you go back to Randys article he has added a warning from DOW.

Editors note (3/10/07): Note, the manufacturer of MAG flake has alerted us that they very strongly recommend against using this product in reef aquaria. While many reef aquarists have successfully used the product, the manufacturer does not claim to be able to provide this product at suitable quality in the future.
they haven't changed how they make it. they are just legally covering there butts. and im sure that they have received pressure from some of the company's that buy this product from them to make there own Mg supplements and then sell them to us for 20x the cost. sowthdown sand was forced to put the same warning on there bags of sand by caribsea who bought the exact same sand from them( same beach, same sand, southdown $4per 50# bag, caribsea $20per 20# bag)