2000 gal tank and 3000 gal system FOWLR

Wow that's a monster tank, it initially doesn't look very large until you mention the Tunze 6305 which looks like one of the nano-versions, and then mention the unicorn tang is 2 feet long :)
Holy crap man..... I just can't help but wonder how awesome that would be full blown SPS reef tank though. Im not much for FOWLR, but i love everything else about it.
With two young kids and a wife who does not like how much time I spend on the tanks a reef is out of the question. I used to have a 600 gal reef for ten years but after the kids gave that up. Yea the 6305 is small in that tank, that is why I also have four 6500 series pumps each about 20K gal/hr. They are awesome pumps and the tangs love the flow.
Awesome! Do you have a build thread? If it is not at RC (I don't think links to other forums are allowed) could you PM it to me?