2010 MASM Monster Swap


New member
Monster Frag Swap/Exchange
Sunday, August 15, 2010
12:00:00 PM

Cranbrook Institute of Science
39221 Woodward Avenue, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303

Sunday August 15th MASM will be hosting it's annual Monster frag exchange/swap.

Vendor setup starts at 10am and the door open to the public at 12 noon.

Frag swaps to create a centralized event where hobbyists can exchange captive propagated corals, fish and other marine organisms at lower costs than wild caught specimens.

Events such as the MASM Frag Swap dramatically reduce the pressure on wild reefs by offering a venue to acquire locally grown organisms that are not taken directly from the oceans. MASM is committed to help reduce the aquarium trade's pressure on the world's reefs and ocean environment by increasing the awareness of captively raised and propagated marine organisms.

Find all the details and registration information at: http://www.masm.org/Events/Event.aspx?ID=114
The Blue Glow will be there featuring our new Infinity Series racks along with some other goodies.


Classic Series

Stackable Series (bucket racks)
How many people usually show up to this swap? I checked frag swapper and didn't see anything listed.


I used to go to this swap yearly when I lived in Michigan. Its an excellent swap to attend typically. There are lots of serious hobbyists in Michigan and all of them bring really nice stuff to these events. Not only that, but they usually have good vendors too. I highly recommend it. For some reason a lot of frag swaps in Michigan don't really use frag swapper to advertise. I think the reason being is because michiganreefers.com is such a popular site, most people just post what they are bringing on there.

If I had the time to go I would drive up there from Cincinnati for it, but my current schedule just doesn't allow for it:(