2014 Marine Breeder's Workshop


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The fifth annual Marine Breeder's Workshop will be held on July 19, 2014 at the Cranbrook Institute of Science in Bloomfield Hills, MI. Full details including scheduled speakers, tickets, and hotel information can be found here: http://www.mbiworkshop.com/


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Karen Brittain (Via Skype)
Adeljean Ho
Matthew Pedersen
Dr. Andrew Rhyne
Dr. Roy Yanong
A few updates:

Karen Brittain will be joining us via Skype from Hawaii to talk about her experience breeding angelfishes and to answer questions! This is a your best chance to hear from her directly.

We have been getting some great donations for the raffle too! Sustainable Aquatics is donating two breeder packs containing the following:

“breeder packs” for two winners that allow choices for the fish.
We will ship to winner’s address after the workshop.
(Approx Retail Value $300+ per package)

1 SA T-Shirt (specify size)
1 SA Hatchery Diet 8oz bottle .5mm
1 SA Hatchery Diet 8oz bottle 1.2mm
1 DT’s Phytoplantkon 30oz bottle (great for greenwater or small rotifer cultures—I used DT’s when I first started breeding, and it has come full-circle, as DT’s is now part of SA).

Group of 5 of winner’s choice: Berghia, peppermint shrimp, clingfish, or blennies (species of blennies subject to current stock but may include Canary, Harptail, Blackline, or Molly Miller).

Pair of Clownfish of winner’s choice: Any Non-designer clown pair or a pair of Fancy Snow, Wyoming White, Extreme Picasso, Frostbite Flurry or Mai Tai
If you're still on the fence about attending the 2014 MBI Workshop this should help make your decision a little easier! A HUGE thank you to Blue Zoo, Sea and Reef, and Matthew Pedersen for putting this together!!!

Great event to get to, even if you aren't breeding anything! The prizes are awesome, especially with the lightning maroon this year.