A few updates:
Karen Brittain will be joining us via Skype from Hawaii to talk about her experience breeding angelfishes and to answer questions! This is a your best chance to hear from her directly.
We have been getting some great donations for the raffle too! Sustainable Aquatics is donating two breeder packs containing the following:
“breeder packs” for two winners that allow choices for the fish.
We will ship to winner’s address after the workshop.
(Approx Retail Value $300+ per package)
1 SA T-Shirt (specify size)
1 SA Hatchery Diet 8oz bottle .5mm
1 SA Hatchery Diet 8oz bottle 1.2mm
1 DT’s Phytoplantkon 30oz bottle (great for greenwater or small rotifer cultures—I used DT’s when I first started breeding, and it has come full-circle, as DT’s is now part of SA).
Group of 5 of winner’s choice: Berghia, peppermint shrimp, clingfish, or blennies (species of blennies subject to current stock but may include Canary, Harptail, Blackline, or Molly Miller).
Pair of Clownfish of winner’s choice: Any Non-designer clown pair or a pair of Fancy Snow, Wyoming White, Extreme Picasso, Frostbite Flurry or Mai Tai