20G reef


New member

How much fish could I keep in a 20G (60cm long, 30cm wide, 40cm high) reef aquarium? I would do 2 10% water changes a week using NSW. Would I still need to add supplements for corals if I do 2 10% water changes a week? Would 2 55 watt AHsupply kits be enough an anemone placed high in the tank?
Shaun, when I had a 20long setup, it was basically LPS and clams, but I had two Oscellaris Clowns and a six line wrasse. Keep in mind I had a 175 MH pendant for lighting, it really depends on what you want to keep.

depends on the kind of fish you want to keep.

but anemones in a 20g wouldn't be a good idea imo. too small fo a tank (unless thats the only thing in there with a couple of clowns). but it'll still depend a lot on the kind of anemone you want.
I would like a bubble tipped anemone. Would a Oscellaris clown, a yellow-tailed blue damsel and a shrimp goby OR a blenny be to much fish? Would I still need to add supplements for corals if I do 2 10% water changes a week?
that sounds like an ok bio load. but i wouldnt do corals ith your anemone in a 20g. The feeding regiment that the anemone would be on would add a lot of waste to the system. plus in a tank that size, he'll move around and sting anyone he comes across.

you could instead just switch him out for corals and have a reef tank. and once you get your aquarium decently stocked, then you should start dosing additives. but test for them and make sure you add ones that you need for your system.
Hmm. No anenome. Are there any corals that look like anemones and clowns will host that could go into this tank? Do you think a skimmer would be necessary on this tank?