210 Build


New member
Hello everyone, Im starting a 210 thats going to be a sps reef.Ive gone threw most of the threads here that relate to my tank.Im thinking about doing the foam/rockwall thing but havent decided yet?whats everyone think?So far my equipment list is 3 250w 20k halides.Will this be enough? 4 mp40 vortechs will this be enough or should I order a couple more? have a 55 gallon sump but think im gonna switch to a 75 that I have laying around...I havent decided on a skimmer yet either the deltec ap701 0r the apf600..I would assume bigger is better in this situation?Also what does everyone recommend a calcium reactor?and from where? and whats the best return pump? any advice on things before i start would be greatly appreciated!!!! thanks in advance
lighting: for sps I would probably want a 400watt in the center....i love my 400watt on my 180gal, it looks great

vortechs: 4 should be plenty, I currently am running two in a less than optimal orientation. And they still provide tons of flow in my 6ft tank. 4 should be fine I would think. (good choice on pump, you will love the options, and it is a very very wide flow)

sump: would definitely do the 75gal, the extra width offers much better fuge options. If your skimmer is going to be in the sump, I would even go larger if you can fit it. I had the same decision, 55 or 75 for the sump (both laying around). The 75 was a squeeze but extra water volume and fuge space are always a good thing if you can.

skimmer: you said it, bigger is better

return pumps: I love my velocity posiden ps2....they are quiet, but as you will read, they add some heat. I don't run a chiller and it has not been even a small problem for me. I plan to replace my skimmer pump with a velocity. But you might want something larger than a a couple ps2's depending on overflow and sump setup.

Best advice I have, if it is not going to be in wall, then give it at least a foot or 18in from the wall so you can have good access from the back.
Thanks, WetWolger for your reply.Anyone have any suggestions on a calcium reactor?

I am soon starting my 225 sps build. Using 2 250's and 1 400 mh in the center. Also going with vortechs, going to try 2 at first and see how that goes. Not going with a rock wall and going with a two part doser instead of a reactor. Simple is always better. You can always go with a reactor later.
Well simple is always better but im going to be out of town a decent amount and think it will be a lil easier to maybe have a reactor? instead of having to dose?
I have been reading on here for months now and it seems there is a trend of going away from reactors and using dosing pumps instead. From what I've read and asked, calcium reactors are great but if they ever get blocked or use up their medium then it doesn't end well.