210 start


New member
ok--looks like i'm gonna be getting a 210 gal tank---should be picking it up this sat and will be building a stand for it,now, for the first of many questions.........
i have a 125 gal and a few 55 gal tanks, which should i use for a sump and refugium? I have 4- 55 gal. so i could use 1 for the sump and 1 for the refugium and sell the 125 gal.
any thoughts?
with all the cords that hang around tanks, could i get a few designs or pics of your ' power strips'?
enough for now...
Well First off Congrats on the 210. I have one and its awesome!

Second i have two actually three power strips for my tank. One with 10 outlets one with six and then my DC-8 from my cotroller has eight but i only use three of them for now.

I don't have any pics of my power strips but all i can suggest to you is to make drip loops on everything!
I guess do One 55 sump and one ref. I have a 75 gallon sump/ref on my 220 and love it. So the two 55's should be great. Or if you dont have room use the 125 and split it up.
well ---thanks for the replys---as far as using the 125, i figured if i could sell it, that would help with the cost of the 210, and i would use 2 -55 gal for sump and refug---i plan on building my own stand so fitting the 2 -55's will be no problem---or possibly should i build a fish room where i could house the 2 55 's and any other equipment i'll be using---man, the possibilities
oh--the tanks gonna be in the basement where i have the availablity of building a room next to the 210 to use as my fishroom
oh--sorry--but---thanks --i am most definitely looking forward to getting this setup and running---along with this 210 setup i'm also planning on a 55 gal 'real' saltwater tank using water,sand rocks and fish right from the ocean,and
setting up a sea horse tank----i have 2 octagon tank, 1 is 40 gal, the other is 65 gal---40 gal for dwarfs, the 65 gal for the larger horses
this is something i have wanted to be for many years---so i'm sure , along with reading all these threads, i'll be asking a bunch of question---till later
If you can do a fish room do it. Over time you will add stuff and make changes it will be eaiser in the fish room. IMO