hello everyone i am a reborn reefer i started out with a 38 gallon eclipse reef tank that i had up and running for about a year and a half when i was about 16. Needless to say at 16 i had more important things on my mind than keeping up with my fish tank lol. Well i am now 24 and recently purchased a house with my fiance (wife to be 8-31-12) and decided it was time to get back into the hobby so i bought a 165 gallon DAS aquarium had it set up and cycled for about 3 months then woke up one morning to find a gyser of water commin from the front two panes of glass needless to say i freaked out and quickly moved my fish to my dads empty 75 gallon tank.
At this point i was very discouraged after all the hard work and planning that i had done to set this tank up and have this happen i though about selling my brand new equipment and calling it quits.
But that didnt happen i went to my local fish store and had them order me a brand new Marineland 220 72x24x30 with dual overflows and a Marineland oak stand to match in black i got what i though was a good price on it at 1100??? The tank came and i finally got it home and set it up and man it was huge so i quickly began the plumbing and making of ro/di to fill the beast along with making a custom open concept canopy for it needless to say i am 2.5 months in on this tank and things are looking great have some algae on the sand bed for now nitrates and phosphates are both zero so im contributing it to being a fairly new tank. I will continue to post updates of my mixed reef and any and all recommendations or thoughts will be welcome i get much information from this site and would love some imput or feedback.
Lighting: 60" 6x80 ATI t5 4xBlue plus 2x Aqua blue special
Filtration: 40 gallon breeder sump with 200 micron filter sock
Skimmer: Aquac EV 180 overdriven with a Mag 9.5
Return pump: Mag 18 also using a acon 1250 and korilla 750 for circulation
Heater: 2x 250 watt one in each overflow
At this point i was very discouraged after all the hard work and planning that i had done to set this tank up and have this happen i though about selling my brand new equipment and calling it quits.
But that didnt happen i went to my local fish store and had them order me a brand new Marineland 220 72x24x30 with dual overflows and a Marineland oak stand to match in black i got what i though was a good price on it at 1100??? The tank came and i finally got it home and set it up and man it was huge so i quickly began the plumbing and making of ro/di to fill the beast along with making a custom open concept canopy for it needless to say i am 2.5 months in on this tank and things are looking great have some algae on the sand bed for now nitrates and phosphates are both zero so im contributing it to being a fairly new tank. I will continue to post updates of my mixed reef and any and all recommendations or thoughts will be welcome i get much information from this site and would love some imput or feedback.
Lighting: 60" 6x80 ATI t5 4xBlue plus 2x Aqua blue special
Filtration: 40 gallon breeder sump with 200 micron filter sock
Skimmer: Aquac EV 180 overdriven with a Mag 9.5
Return pump: Mag 18 also using a acon 1250 and korilla 750 for circulation
Heater: 2x 250 watt one in each overflow
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