240 Gallon Maintenance


New member
Hey guys.

I am just about to step into a 240 gallon Fish Only salt setup. So i am asking you guys how much maintenance would a tank that size require?

For example how often would I do a water change?
And how many gallon would a water change be?

Please help me out. Thanks
It really depends on your stocking. I have a 600g tank with about 20 fish in it. Most of the fish are small with only a few med size fish. I only change 10% a month because of the light bio-load. There are folks on here with heavily stocked tanks that do alot of big water changes... just depends on what you want.
Depends on what you keep... How many fish, what type of fish? Fish only, are you going to have puffers? A lot of fish only, fish are very messy eaters. As long as your bio-load is low, then yes less water changes...