$25 LE Frags for Sale in Miami/Link to thread and pics


Active member
Anyone interested in taking some nice frags off my hands? Tyrees and other rare corals, XFactor, Superman, Ponape BN, Sunset MOnti, etc. Other montis and acros not pictured (Fragfarmers Chili Pepper Monti, RM's Purple Limeade A. Nasuta). $25.


All PMs replied to. Sorry for my lateness in offering a more reasonably priced Sunset frag, I paid either 100 or 110 for mine, but it has grown to 15 times it's original size.
The XFactor looks a bit like a cap, but actually is M. Delicatula. Green with pink rim and blue polyps. I have the standard green m cap with pink rim, green polyps. No other caps. Have a cool m. undata with orange polyps and bluish base.
well i ask about the caps because i hear they are easiest montis to care for., that green one with pink rim sounds good, how big would that frag be??
That cap is nearly indestructible and grows like crazy. I have several frags available, the biggest now is approx 3 x 1.5 inches. I have other "tough" corals that have survived several "extinction" events. These are some of my favorite corals because they have endured despite my past ignorance.
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I got some great things from Rob. This is what I took home. :thumbsup:
red danae with blue polyps
Acro nasuta Purple Limeade
Tyree Ponape Birdsnest
Tyree Sunset Monti
Montipora delicatula X-Factor
Red Hot Chili Pepper
huge derasa clam
large green platygyra

Thanks again Rob.
Thanks Lacy! Pleasure passing along some cool frags to you, hope they treat you well.

Update: Selling a couple of frags of the Meteor Shower Cyphastrea $25

Green Lantern Lepastrea $25

Larger frags may be available.