250 Gallon Half Octagon Fish Tank


New member
Hello, I'm moving to gainsville in July and will not be taking my fish tank with me. This is a complete system that includes lighting, filtration and chiller. The tank hold 300 pounds of Tonga and 50 pounds of Fiji Rock. All rock fully cured and full of color.

Willing to sell off parts, so long as live stock is first to go.

Pump is rated 1200 GPH and not sure about the chiller but its hardly ever on and its programmed at 78.
Compacts, metal high lights, and ballasts.

Pictures in member gallery.

Call 954-243-0699
or Reply to Post with questions
For those of us who are a bit on the lazy side, hope you dont mind.




Nice tank BTW. Good luck with the sale and the move.

Heres what I have:

1 Blue Devil Orange Tail Damsel
1 Valentine Puffer
1 Maroone Clown
1 Yellow Tank
1 Marine Beta
1 Chainlink Eel
1 Columbian Cat Shark
1 Halloween Hermit Crab
1 Rare black, green, and red Bahama Star.

3 Brown Mushroom Polys Attacheed to Rock
2 Ricordea Looking Mushrooms (Look Like tiny green anemones)
2 Leathers
1 Tongue Coral
2 Anemone Tubes (One white, one Purple. Both with neon green centers.

All rock have signs off Coral growth slowly emerging.
The tank is 6 feet wide, 7 feet in high (including canopy), and 2 feet in width.

It's a flat back, half octagon.

I'm looking to get somewhere in between $2500 to $3000.
The rics and leathers I would sell for $125.

I'm located on Miramar Parkway, west of I75.

Will be going out for most of the afternoon will be back to submit replies after 5PM
The rics and leathers I would sell for $125.

I'm located on Miramar Parkway, west of I75.

Will be going out for most of the afternoon will be back to submit replies after 5PM
The rics and leathers not to sure, let me know what you think would be reasonable for an out of store buy.

I'm located on Miramar Parkway, west of I75.

Will be going out for most of the afternoon will be back to submit replies after 5PM, but please feel free to call with any questions.
Like I mentioned earlier, being that theres a market for this stuff from hobiest to hobiest, I cant really begin to offer a price. The only thing I can base anything off is the price I bought anything for at the store.

For anyone reading, I would consider myself lucky to get half on all equipment or llive stock.

As for the anemones, I paid $60 for both.