260 Island


New member
A work in progess 260 island reef

Thanks guys, still have alot to do though, finish the stand,canopy and get some power under the stand are top on the list. Then try to squeeze the rest of the equipment under the tank.
I'm trying to leave it as open as possible, but I'll probably add some more rock. It's not quite right, ya know.
Here's some specs I for got to post last night.
- erfecto 265G 84" 24" 30" though i read it's actually about 234g somewhere in this forum.
- Perfecto 75G sump
- 2 Quiet One 6000's returns running through penductors
- ASM G4x
- 3 250 HQI's and 2 6' VHO actinics. I'm still debating XM 10k's, Pheonix, or EVC's.
- 2 modded maxi's and a seio which will be replaced with a tunze 6200 is the plan.
- I believe i put in 3 or 4 40# bags of sand
- Not sure how much the rock weighs it's just a menagerie that's accumulated in the garage over the years.u know how that goes.
I believe thats it for now.
Calculators->Tank Volume Calculator
Using the following input parameters
Tank Length = 84 inches
Tank Width = 24 inches
Tank Height = 30 inches
Tank volume is calculated as
Tank Volume = 261.8 Gallons

Nice tank
Well the stand (wrap) is done and the painting process seems never ending. Picked up a few new frags tonight (pics on the way). I'd like some input on the bulbs though, I think I'm going to stick with 10k's EVC or XM, I've always used a higher kelvin 14, 15, 20, imput appreciated.