29 gal light


New member
I said I was new member the other day, however I just now joined the club. Stinks I gotta work the day of frag swap. My name is Paul and live in Bartlett. Not really asking a question just realized that my odd tank size and no good lights for a 30 inch. t5 anyways. Guess I will just have to get bigger tank!!

That is all!!!

the new guy
First off welcome to the club! And thanks for joining us! Hate that you will miss the frag swap but, keep an eye out on the boards some will post stuff before the swap.
I might have a 150w sunpod that I usee over my 29g biocube. Of course that is a MH though. Let me know if you might be interested.
Aquatic life makes a real nice t5 4 bulb 30" fixture
And You can buy it our LFS in town
Timer controls T5 HO Fluorescent Lamps and Lunar LED's independently
Adjustable width Aquarium Frame Mounts support fixture above the aquarium
German-made specially angled reflectors maximize light by directing it into the aquarium
Suspension Ports allow connection to optional cables for various mounting configurations