3 Gallon Fluval Questions


New member
Hey guys,

It's been about 15 years since I had an aquarium, a 100 gal FOWLR before I went off to college. I always knew I'd get back into it and when I did I'd wade into reefing. We will be finishing our basement within the next year and I have plans for a large tank.

However, for now, we're all trapped at home and my father in law sent us a Fluval 3 gallon as a birthday gift for my 4 year old. Wouldn't have been my first choice but right now it's what we've got and the kids are really geared up to get it filled.

I have done a fair amount of formal research and some trolling around on this site looking at other nano and pico setups. On the shopping list here is what I am thinking so far:

- Fluval sea marine nano bluetooth light
- Cobalt aquatics flat neotherm heater
- 5 lbs live sand
- Hydro pico evo mag 180
- Phosguard and chemipure blue
- Red Sea test kit

Odd area I am falling short on - how do I acquire live rock small enough for this tank without buying a 20lb box I can't use. I figure I need 1-2 small rocks. Should I just get a few small pieces of base rock? I need some hand holding.

On inhabitants we are likely going to go with one of the soft coral starter packs on LiveAquaria. I can't see any fish or invertebrate going in here, just too small. Maybe some hermits.

I will post some pictures once it's operational. I expect delivery on these items to be pretty slow. Any other suggestions are welcome.