I've been planning an upgrade to my neglected 20 gallon long for quite some time. It was a simple HOB aquaclear filter, RW-4 powerhead and a 70W metal halide that limped along for a number of years. My strata doesn't allow more than 30 gallons of aquarium. After the rocks and sand I measured about 29 gallons which is what I estimated.
I've put together this new aquarium in the hopes my maintenance will be diminished (top offs, protein skimmer, additional water volume, refugium, LED light without bulb replacements, automatic feeder, high quality equipment where it matters). This aquarium has been running since October 25th with the contents of the 20 long which was initially put together in late 2011.
Here are the specs:
- Custom 36" x 18" x 12" tall aquarium with corner overflow (two 1" drilled drains, drilled 3/4" return). Black krylon fusion spraypaint matte background.
- 20 gallon high sump (24" x 12" x 16" tall) with skimmer/inflow, heaters/rubble/macroalgae refugium, return sections). Acrylic panels created from 1/4" Lowes acrylic sheets and GE 1 silicone.
- MarsAqua 300W LED light 32". Blues on from 10am - 10pm, whites/colours on from 11am to 9pm.
Aquaticlife hanging kit.
- Eheim autofeeder.
- Jebao RW-4 powerhead.
- Approximately 40 lbs caribsea 'select' sand.
- 30 lbs Billy's Reef Connection dry rock, 10lbs miscellaneous live rock/rubble.
- 1" durso drain, 1" syphon drain with gate valve.
- Bubble Magus Curve 5 protein skimmer
- Floodlight refugium light mounted to egg crate top with Philips 7W 5000K LED floodlight (on reverse schedule from 10pm-10am).
- Eheim 1260 return pump with 3/4" plumbing and TUBV to moderate flow.
- Tunze 3155 Osmolator ATO.
- 2x Eheim Ebo Jager 50W heaters (I may need to upgrade these as they seem to be on fairly frequently but I had them on hand).
I've been planning an upgrade to my neglected 20 gallon long for quite some time. It was a simple HOB aquaclear filter, RW-4 powerhead and a 70W metal halide that limped along for a number of years. My strata doesn't allow more than 30 gallons of aquarium. After the rocks and sand I measured about 29 gallons which is what I estimated.
I've put together this new aquarium in the hopes my maintenance will be diminished (top offs, protein skimmer, additional water volume, refugium, LED light without bulb replacements, automatic feeder, high quality equipment where it matters). This aquarium has been running since October 25th with the contents of the 20 long which was initially put together in late 2011.
Here are the specs:
- Custom 36" x 18" x 12" tall aquarium with corner overflow (two 1" drilled drains, drilled 3/4" return). Black krylon fusion spraypaint matte background.
- 20 gallon high sump (24" x 12" x 16" tall) with skimmer/inflow, heaters/rubble/macroalgae refugium, return sections). Acrylic panels created from 1/4" Lowes acrylic sheets and GE 1 silicone.
- MarsAqua 300W LED light 32". Blues on from 10am - 10pm, whites/colours on from 11am to 9pm.
Aquaticlife hanging kit.
- Eheim autofeeder.
- Jebao RW-4 powerhead.
- Approximately 40 lbs caribsea 'select' sand.
- 30 lbs Billy's Reef Connection dry rock, 10lbs miscellaneous live rock/rubble.
- 1" durso drain, 1" syphon drain with gate valve.
- Bubble Magus Curve 5 protein skimmer
- Floodlight refugium light mounted to egg crate top with Philips 7W 5000K LED floodlight (on reverse schedule from 10pm-10am).
- Eheim 1260 return pump with 3/4" plumbing and TUBV to moderate flow.
- Tunze 3155 Osmolator ATO.
- 2x Eheim Ebo Jager 50W heaters (I may need to upgrade these as they seem to be on fairly frequently but I had them on hand).
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