300 breakdown- all impressive fish


New member
breakdown in the boca raton area. all come out of my reef, downgrading to a 200 and want to get new fish, all of these are flawless and show exceptional color.

large naso tang 7in
flame angel
Unusual Dark with bright orange mimic tang
austrailian harlequin tusk 5.5 in -7in?(md to lg)
huge tomato clown with green purple base anemone

if anyone is interested just pm me. thanks.
sorry everyone, i didnt think everyone would have responded this quickly...this site is great! ive been tied down. and havnt been able to take pics or write prices... i am not selling the 300, its pretty much brand new. i am not selling the rock either its all marshall island and i cant find good ones anymore.
its hard to put a price on these guys. but ill try and get pictures later. bare with me please. i am shootin to get pics and prices up by tonight, thanks for your responses.

P.S. the harlequin tusk and is coral safe and gorgeous....doesnt bother my eppaulette shark either or snails and or hermits.