300DD MH/LED lighting options


I currently run MH/VHO atinic, and have for many, many years.

I am currently getting prepared to get a new 300DD on line, and want to
try MH / LED for this set up.

I am looking for suggestions, and or photos
tank will be set up for SPS
I am thinking on 3 400w MH's + LED instead of the VHO atinics.

I am also concerned that this tank has (2) braces that might create a shadow in the tank, and am hoping that I could eliminate it by LED in those areas.
Any suggestions?
I use 3 x 250w MH in Lumenbright Mini Pendants with 6 stunner strips. I use the stunner strips so I can enjoy my tank from 9am to 10:15pm. I run the MH from 1 to 10 in the winter and 2 to 10 in the summer. I have PAR numbers around 250 on the sand where I keep multiple SPS frags that do well along with my frogspawn. I looked at LED but was too expensive plus on a large tank I was looking at just about the same power usage as MH.
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid903.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fac237%2FAltonv1%2FBlueface7-8-12.mp4">

I am new at this hopefully it works, the video was from a while back the Regal is fairly new

The full tank shot was from a year ago when I had a slight algae issue but it shows my light rack


  • full tank 11-13-2011.jpg
    full tank 11-13-2011.jpg
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  • Altons regal.jpg
    Altons regal.jpg
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It is tricky with the stock 300DD to avoid the shadows caused by the JUMBO center braces. We are using 3x400W, actinics, AND the stunner strips :) Take a look here. We designed a custom light rack which allowed us to position the reflectors just where we wanted to maximize spread / minimize brace shadows. You can see more details about our light rack on pg 5/6 of our build thread.
in your build thread,
post #162 - did you do anything to offset the shadows of the braces? This is what I am concerned about