300g - two 1 3/4 drain - how much water?


New member
Hello Big tank Gurus,

I need your help to set up my 300g Tenecor tank properly. My 300g acrylic tank comes with 4 holes at the bottom. Right inside the center overflow box.

two drain holes = 1 3/4in each ( is this for 1" bulkhead?)
two return holes = 1 1/4in each ( is this for 3/4" bulk head?)

I thought a tank this big would come with much larger holes but this is all it has.

What pump size is proper for the given hole sizes? I was told that the max water flow for the two 1 3/4in holes ( 1" bulk head ) is 1200GPH. Is this true? I was hoping it can support 3000 GPH so I can have 10x turn over rate.

I am planning to use a 75g as a sump right under the tank ( rought about 4 ft between the floor and the top rim of the tank). Could you recommend what pump size should be used for a proper set up.

thank you very much.
I sincerely doubt you'll get 3000gph to drain through two 1" drains. I'd look at 1200gph total as an average number though others' experiences may vary.

i don't think you'd want to put 3000gph through a 75g sump anyway. even 1200gph may create some micro bubble issues. the general rule for a sump is 3 to 5X tank volume. you'll just have to add some powerheads to get your 30X.

oh yeah and an average of 600gph for each 1" is right.

i guess if it's acrylic and you have a drill ................
Thanks for the feedback. I will keep the return rate at 1200GPH and the rest of water flow via powerheads. As for micro bubbles, I have learned to eliminate them using filter sock. One sock at the drain outlet to filter out debris. One at the skimmer outlet to eliminate micro bubbles. The water reaching the return pump is crystal clear. But these filter socks need to be cleaned weekly to reduce nitrate.
Just keep in mind that your plumbing will reduce a pumps GPH and that you can always back down a pump with a ball valve, therefore I wouldn't just get a 1200 GPH pump, since you may end up with only 800 GPH after all the plumbing is done. I would see what type of plubming you will be using and what kind of head pressure will the pump have, then plan on buying a pump that will push ~ 1100 GPH at the given head pressure.
Good point Z28pwr. I will try the Mag18 with a ball valve, and adjust it to get the proper flow rate.
I am gong through the same thing right now with a 300. It has one corner overflow with a 1.5 drain and a .75 return. I am going to go for a 3x turnover through the sump. I figure that I can use a smaller pump and save some electricity.
I just finished plumbing my 350 gal tank. I had to drill the holes myself. I have 3 holes in my center overflow box. 2 for 1.5" overflows and 1.5" return that I split into 3/4" returns. I used a 2 3/4" hole saw for my 1.5" bulk heads, and 1 3/4" for my returns bulkheads that accommadated a 3/4" bulk head. You should really measure the O rings on the bulk heads to figure out how much space you really need.

Well to make this long story short. I am running a sequence pump that runs at 5800 gph at 0 feet and I think I have about 8' of head so I believe i'm getting about 3500 gph, but the teeth of my overflow box seems not to let cooperate. I only have about 1/2" from the top of the tank that is empty. The 2 bulkheads were more than enough for the flow, but the teeth of my box was not. Sorry to make this story so long.
my 300 has a barracuda pushing 3000+ w/ (2)1.5" bulkheads and drains going to a 75gl sump...no worries

if u want to flow some major water u can use ALL the bulkheads for drains increasing to (2) 1.5" drains from overflow and run 1.5" returns up and over the back into the tank w/ no probs....
mm949 - that is a lot of water flowing through the drain holes:eek: . Does it make a lot of noise as the water rush through the holes?
the top of the overflow is covered and the sump is under the stand so the water doesnt have to travel far...very quiet

best to use sch40 instead of thin wall for noise reduction and have yur drains submersed...