375 acrylic with a crack


I just purchased a used 375 (96" x 24" x 36"tall) acrylic tank with an open top. During transport a crack formed on the back wall and spans half the height straight up and down. Is there any way that this can be repaired or what would be the options in turning this into a sump or fuge for the same size or larger tank. I don't have much money invested in this so it's not to big of deal.
First off... I would be a bit worried about a tank that size with an open top (no bracing at all?), as the thickness of acrylic that SHOULD be used would be very thick. As far as the crack, some pics would definately help, but I would say that at the least it will not be able to be used as a display, only a sump if able to be repaired.
Seems like with the right Weld-on, you should be able to laminate another piece of acrylic over the back to stabilize the crack. Whether or not you will trust the patch is another issue.
I will try to post pics tonight. If acrylic doesn't split then I have the "one in a million". It is a open top but has a powder coated 2" angle iron by 1/8 thick box frame around the perimeter of the top. I was thinking of laminating a plate on the back and using it as a sump that would be put in the basement for a larger display tank around 500-600 gal (possibly 1000 if I can talk the wife into it). That way if it does fail the water would be in the unfinished basement vs upstairs on the new hardwood floors. I just don't want to go through the trouble of trying to patch it if other people have tried and failed. Thanks for the replies.