450 gallon pump question


New member
I just bought a 450 gallon tank and will be slowly building it. Any suggesstions with what pump to use as a return? I am also wanting to run a closed loop system so no power heads. What two pumps would everyone run? Or could I use one big one to run everything? all suggestions welcome.
2 small pumps are better then one big pump! Depends on how high the pumps have to pump up! i have my sumps in the basement so i hard piped 2 sequence 5800! the nice thing with two pumps are you have the control of how much water flow and if one breaks or needs a cleanning you tank is not sitting with no flow.
if it is only going up 5ft I would run Dart's. 1 for return 1 for CL. You could probably run 1 Hammerhead but then the CL wont really be a CL.