46 bowfront complete runnning reef aquarium


New member
I have a up and running complete reef setup to trade for?!?!? There is over $1000.00 invested in this setup/stuff as it sits!

here is a partial list of stuff

46 gallon bowfront allglass aquarium 147.00 stand $108.00 50 lbs of real fiji live rock $300.00 30 lbs of live sand $50.00 4 larger pieces of coral I use for base rock $50.00 Cpr bak-pak II protein skimmer with rio 600 $150.00 cpr bakpak II surface skimmer $17.00 cpr bak-pak air stome mod with air pump 30.00 makes the skimmer even more efficent. Marineland emperor 400 dual bio wheel filter $60.00 automatic fish feeder 14.00 visaqua stealth aqaurium heater 300 watt 26.00 10 gallon sick tank with lights and filter $30.00 coralife power compact pc lighting with dual fans 200 watts with new bulbs 247.00 saltwater master test kit 30.00 calcium test kit 14.00 ph & alk test kit 20.00 phospate test kit 14.00 nitrate test kit 14.00 esv b-ionic 64 oz NEW 35.00 esv b- ionic 32 oz NEW 20.00 purple up 15.00 7 different bottles and bags of food 30.0 4 different types of media 40.00 esv carbon, phosban, denitrate ,ammonia reducer mag float glass cleaner timer powerstrip plus more!!!! all of the items are not more than half used and alot are new or almost new there is 1500.00 invested in this setup all the hard work is done and this aquarium is ready to go what ever direction you need it to.

The whole setup has been running for a few months . I have removed and rehomed all the corals and fish and this aquarium is ready to do to do what ever you want!! fowlr tank or reef tank

the water is pure rodi water paid for and not from the tap the calcium is up around 400 . the live rock has plenty of coraline and other higher algeas growing on it. The stand was

reinforced before I set it up

with 1x4's and greatly improved the look of the stand, The stand has builtin shelves with a door in the middle and this is the easiest setup for saltwater there is!

It has been tested and proven by many reefers in the hobby..

I have since decided to continue my hobby with traditional style street rods and would like to trade for ???

sbc performance parts, small block chevy stuff . street rod stuff. tig welder .. kingsize bedroom suite . newer stainless refridgerator.. or ?!?!

just make me a offer i will reply to all emails!! and yes I can help you load this up

let me know what you have thats worth around 1000 trade value

and i might throw in some cash or maybe you can throw

in some cash to make the deal work

the aquarium is 36" wide and aroun 4.5' tall

Things that I AM NOT interested in are: Dirt bikes , tattoos, labor, guns, knives , livestock, pets

I might also consider trade for a ps3 or a laptop

i might sell it for 250.00 cash but I would rather trade for something of value....

msg me on here