59 gallon stocking


New member
Hi I'm new to saltwater although have many years of fresh water planted tank experience.I'm setting up a new 50 gallon reef tank (not a big reef lot of swimming space ) with 15-20 gallon sump.

I'm from Sri Lanka and can just get fish sourced from around here(price and availability). So far my ultimate stocking list is something like this,
1- Yellow tail damsel (start off in 2 weeks)
2-Clark's clownfish (in 3 weeks)
3-4 lyretail anthias (in 4 weeks)
2- Ruby Longfin Fairy Wrasse (in 4 weeks)
1- powder blue tang small size (in 8 weeks)

Is this too many fish and what are you guys opinion on keeping the small school of Sri Lankan lyretail anthias?
Humm that is disappointing. It is btw not Clarkii clowns but Sabae Clowns I was thinking. If not i can switch to Pink skunk clownfish.

I guess then I might have to drop the Anthias lot and go with the rest and a cleaning shrimp. That should be fine right :) ?
What are the dimensions of the tank?

The powder blue will get way too large and aggressive.
Multiple lyre tails may not work. A single might.
Tank is 39x 13.5x 23(lxwxh). With a 20 gallon sump.
From what I have read it take years for a powder blue to grow large and I should be fine with having say 2-3 inch one for few years.
Will take him to lfs after or might upgrade by then.

Lets say if i get most fish small and taking in to consideration their size 1.5- 2 years from now as max size.
I would say that a 2-3" Acanthurus genus tang has already outgrown a 39" tank. They also grow faster than you might think.
I missed something earlier....

Two wrasses of the same species won't work long term. All turn male in time, and males won't tolerate each other.

Different wrasse species can mix well.