6 bulb tek light vs aquatic life 4 bulb + 2 radion XR15pros for 75g SPS tank


New member
I'm changing my lighting from 2 radion XR 15s because I feel like my lighting isn't adequate enough for SPS. I received an old 6 bulb tek light with metal feet that needs 2 reflectors a while back so it's between that or buying an aquatic life 48" to go along with my radions. If I use the tek light I'd be "saving" 300$ for the aquatic life fixture (+ cost of mounts), but I'd also kinda be wasting the LEDs, at least temporarily.

What do you think will be a better for the growth of SPS? 6 bulb tek light mounted fairly close to surface or a higher mounted 4 bulb + LEDs?

Thanks for the input
Many people are just adding supplemental t5 fixtures and keeping the LED to have better control of colors and still keep that LED shimmer,etc...
Thats "better for the user" ;)...

Its been proven that just t5 lighting is sufficient for SPS corals.. OF course its also been shown that you can be successful with LEDs alone too..
So no one can really say that the combo is "better for the corals" as each one can work just fine on its own..