6-line aggression to other wrasses?


New member
I'm thinking about putting a pair of nice wrasses in the university tank along the lines of Hawaiin Flame/Rhomboid/Linneatus. The tank is a 180gal and I do have a 6line in there. I don't want to risk a high-end pair of wrasses getting beat-up, so what are your thoughts about adding these wrasses in with the 6line? Would there be enough room in the 180 for them to get along or will the 6line actively seek out the other wrasses?
6 line was pretty territorial in my tank but it was only a 75 gal. Might be different in a 180. Also would depend on the amount of liverock available. Putting in more than one newcomer at a time might lessen the aggression towards a certain individual. Also, an acclimation box should be a must for a couple days. And try to have everyone well fed and release the new comers at night or with only your atinics on.
I had a solo sixline wrasse and no other wrasses in a 265. He did not bother other species.

I put a mystery wrasse in, he made it about 2-3 days, then died. I do blame the six line for this and myself.

About 4 months ago I put a solar wrasse(very nice personable fish). Sixline chased the crap out of him, after several weeks of hiding and grabbing food quickly on the down low, he survived the wrath of the sixline.

Now.....they both live happily. Took months for sixline to relax.

If I did it again, probably would not put a sixline in.

Good Luck

Where is this tank? Is it at the new Nova facility in John LLoyd?

Hi, yes located at the new NSU facility. the tank is in one of the older classroom buildings.

Mike, yeah thats what im afraid of even with a big tank they are pretty territorial, the mystery is a Pseudocheilinus just like the 6line so I can understand the battle btw them, but the other fairy wrasses I want in there belong to Cirrhilabrus so maybe a better chance of them not being territorial? Anyway I'll try to trap the 6line out but with so much rock i think its going to be near impossible without dismantling the tank..dont want to do that
Hi, yes located at the new NSU facility. the tank is in one of the older classroom buildings.

Mike, yeah thats what im afraid of even with a big tank they are pretty territorial, the mystery is a Pseudocheilinus just like the 6line so I can understand the battle btw them, but the other fairy wrasses I want in there belong to Cirrhilabrus so maybe a better chance of them not being territorial? Anyway I'll try to trap the 6line out but with so much rock i think its going to be near impossible without dismantling the tank..dont want to do that

Yea, tricky situation.

OT- are you guys planting corals in the area? Think I ran into some the other day.
6 and 4 lines tend to get very territorial in my experience. The bigger the tank, the better.

Your best bet is to use an acclimation box and see how the fish react to each other.
I got a 6 line from someone here on RC cuz he was too aggressive, but I took him anyway. I had him for a few weeks before I bought a Cheetah wrasse. lol, I know I dunno what I was thinking. I just liked the Cheetah, anyways. they were fine for a few days, until the 6line was chasing the cheetah all over, it would be in bursts. Until one day I was watching my tank and the 6line was chasing him and boom the Cheetah jumped out. lol I was like ***! so I didn't know what to do w/ him. I don't have a QT and my sump area would of been too small for him. I ended up throwing him back in. He dove straight for the sand bed. I never saw him again..... THEN like a month later. (i'm not even kidding) I was cleaning my apt and I found the cheetah on the floor, but the strange part was that it was really far from the tank. O_o? so I have no clue how he got there, good news is that he didn't die in my tank. Bad news is, he died RIP
No, can snorkel off the beach and hit staghorn patches on inner reef that's only about 15-20ft. Just be sure to tow a dive flag even when snorkeling