Jeff Hendrick
New member
Greetings everyone -
I had a small saltwater tank about 10 years ago - and its evident that ALOT has changed since then technology wise! My prime focus for this tank is being mostly corals with a few fish.
I would love advice on any of these questions from veterans/experienced saltwater hobbyists.
This tank is nearly a month old - upon my last water test and visit to LFS - they were convinced that I had cycled quicker then usual - due to large amount of sand and LR. I just added to the two coral frags, and pair of tank raised clowns my wife picked There is an album attached to my profile of the rest of the equipment.
Here are some questions I have :
1. The ecodrift powerhead 8.1 can only be run on the lowest settings : 20% and W1 setting - higher levels seem too intense. The LFS said thats the only powerhead I would need. Any thoughts on placement? Its currently set in corner about 1/3 depth of the tank, towards the surface - I've been told how important surface agitation is. I do own an additional powerhead that LFS thought I could place at half depth toward rock - I do not know if this is overkill. Should I run weaker one at night? - and do ecodrift during the day?
2. Lighting - I have controllers for both the PRIME and Kessil - any thoughts on light intensity, color, duration with only Green Star and Zoa?
I am only running the prime right now, as Kessil is overkill with no SPS/LPS.
Any thoughts on Coral frag placement? I have them both in the bottom 3rd depth.
3. Refugium - I have a large brown algae bloom on the walls and sand surface. I know this was from the initial start up - I did not use RO to begin . Do I try and remove or let it dissipate? The refugium does not have high agitation, but I don't know how to change that with the design of the R-100.
4. I find my hermits on top of my corals alot - prohibits them from opening.. is this normal? I thought hermits were reef safe.
5. Thoughts on other beginner corals?
6. My LFS advised not to do a water change for 3 months to let everything establish.. I am working on a DIY auto top off - is there a preferred way to ADD new RO water when topping off?
7. At what point do I begin looking at a DOSER or reactor?
8. My salinity is at 1.024, and temp ranges between 77-79. Are these good for this setup?
Here's my build
60 Marineland Rimless Cube
(Built in Corner Overflow)
Aqua Medic Ecodrift 8.1 Wavemaker with Controller
Hydor Koralia Powerhead 600 GPH
AI Prime LED
Kessil E Series 360W LED
SICCE SyncraSilent 4.0 Return Pump
Eshopps R -100 Refugium 3rd Gen
Eshopps S120 Snow Cone Protein Skimmer
Eshopps Curve Refugium Light LED
60 lbs Real Reef Live rock
10 lbs Assorted
60 lbs Live sand
1 Extreme Snowflake Oscellaris
1 Black Oscellaris
Assorted Snails and Hermits
1 Frag Green Star Polyp
1 Frag Assorted Zoa
I had a small saltwater tank about 10 years ago - and its evident that ALOT has changed since then technology wise! My prime focus for this tank is being mostly corals with a few fish.
I would love advice on any of these questions from veterans/experienced saltwater hobbyists.
This tank is nearly a month old - upon my last water test and visit to LFS - they were convinced that I had cycled quicker then usual - due to large amount of sand and LR. I just added to the two coral frags, and pair of tank raised clowns my wife picked There is an album attached to my profile of the rest of the equipment.
Here are some questions I have :
1. The ecodrift powerhead 8.1 can only be run on the lowest settings : 20% and W1 setting - higher levels seem too intense. The LFS said thats the only powerhead I would need. Any thoughts on placement? Its currently set in corner about 1/3 depth of the tank, towards the surface - I've been told how important surface agitation is. I do own an additional powerhead that LFS thought I could place at half depth toward rock - I do not know if this is overkill. Should I run weaker one at night? - and do ecodrift during the day?
2. Lighting - I have controllers for both the PRIME and Kessil - any thoughts on light intensity, color, duration with only Green Star and Zoa?
I am only running the prime right now, as Kessil is overkill with no SPS/LPS.
Any thoughts on Coral frag placement? I have them both in the bottom 3rd depth.
3. Refugium - I have a large brown algae bloom on the walls and sand surface. I know this was from the initial start up - I did not use RO to begin . Do I try and remove or let it dissipate? The refugium does not have high agitation, but I don't know how to change that with the design of the R-100.
4. I find my hermits on top of my corals alot - prohibits them from opening.. is this normal? I thought hermits were reef safe.
5. Thoughts on other beginner corals?
6. My LFS advised not to do a water change for 3 months to let everything establish.. I am working on a DIY auto top off - is there a preferred way to ADD new RO water when topping off?
7. At what point do I begin looking at a DOSER or reactor?
8. My salinity is at 1.024, and temp ranges between 77-79. Are these good for this setup?
Here's my build
60 Marineland Rimless Cube
(Built in Corner Overflow)
Aqua Medic Ecodrift 8.1 Wavemaker with Controller
Hydor Koralia Powerhead 600 GPH
AI Prime LED
Kessil E Series 360W LED
SICCE SyncraSilent 4.0 Return Pump
Eshopps R -100 Refugium 3rd Gen
Eshopps S120 Snow Cone Protein Skimmer
Eshopps Curve Refugium Light LED
60 lbs Real Reef Live rock
10 lbs Assorted
60 lbs Live sand
1 Extreme Snowflake Oscellaris
1 Black Oscellaris
Assorted Snails and Hermits
1 Frag Green Star Polyp
1 Frag Assorted Zoa
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