Time to finally catch up on my new build!
I am back to reefing after having separated from a BioCube build a little more than a year ago. This time around, I found a decent deal on someone's pieced out build that had never been assembled or drilled. I started with an AquaMaxx 64.2 gallon AquaMaxx 64.2 gallon and a Leviathan Reef System 45 gallon sump with a Synergy Reef System Overflow box.
The first step was to build the stand, measuring 60"x24"x36".
https://ibb.co/dijjhf I started with a frame built with 3x3 posts on each corner, then a face of 1x6, and 2x4 studs for support across the width and length of the frame.
https://ibb.co/cUqPhfI used woodglue and a mix of standard screws as well as Kreg pocket holes to hold the frame together
https://ibb.co/ie1VNf I cut plywood for the base to support the sump
https://ibb.co/g0GaoL When completed, I sanded and applied latex paint for a setup that would hopefully be easy to clean from any salt
https://ibb.co/gmSta0The support for the tank is 2x6 planks stained; I left a cut out for the fittings to come up to the overflow box.
https://ibb.co/iNKjhfI had originally planned for a solid wood front to be held in place by magnets. While I had cut all the lumbar for this to happen, glued composite snapped when sizing it. I opted to replace this with acrylic sheets spray painted with fogging effect and in metal rails as a make shift sliding door system. The pro is that the sump can fit in entirely through the front; the openings on the sides allow access as well. An extra bonus is the door won't hurt any kids around. I also used caulk to seal the plywood all along the base as an effort to water proof; the interior was vinyl painted for a few coats in an attempt at waterproofing.
https://ibb.co/fCVqNfThe inside was a bit more snug than I had hoped. I had initially wanted shelves to fit, and was hopeful this might still happen... Plumbing was too tight ultimately.
https://ibb.co/dxnn2fHere's a shot before the plumbing. 1.5" schedule 40 comes from the overflow to the sump. I'm using a bean animal setup to regulate this. I have a RO 150 INT as the skimmer, then a Syncra SDC 7.0 WiFi driving return through 1" flexible PVC. If I had to do it again, I'd expand the cut out for the fittings - I was unable to fit hard PVC due to space. The AquaMaxx has 3/4" glass- this was daunting to drill, but I managed to have only minimal oystering as a complication that seems to be holding decently with the bulkhead gaskets so far.
https://ibb.co/nqxWTLI got 65lb of dry rock from ReefCleaners, then 18lb of LR from an LRS. There's 70lb of live sand in the display, and 10lb of live sand in the sump. I mounted a 300w MarsAqua above the reef, and also have a cheapo LED rack in the sump for fuge column once it cycles.
I'll be posting updates!
I am back to reefing after having separated from a BioCube build a little more than a year ago. This time around, I found a decent deal on someone's pieced out build that had never been assembled or drilled. I started with an AquaMaxx 64.2 gallon AquaMaxx 64.2 gallon and a Leviathan Reef System 45 gallon sump with a Synergy Reef System Overflow box.
The first step was to build the stand, measuring 60"x24"x36".
https://ibb.co/dijjhf I started with a frame built with 3x3 posts on each corner, then a face of 1x6, and 2x4 studs for support across the width and length of the frame.
https://ibb.co/cUqPhfI used woodglue and a mix of standard screws as well as Kreg pocket holes to hold the frame together
https://ibb.co/ie1VNf I cut plywood for the base to support the sump
https://ibb.co/g0GaoL When completed, I sanded and applied latex paint for a setup that would hopefully be easy to clean from any salt
https://ibb.co/gmSta0The support for the tank is 2x6 planks stained; I left a cut out for the fittings to come up to the overflow box.
https://ibb.co/iNKjhfI had originally planned for a solid wood front to be held in place by magnets. While I had cut all the lumbar for this to happen, glued composite snapped when sizing it. I opted to replace this with acrylic sheets spray painted with fogging effect and in metal rails as a make shift sliding door system. The pro is that the sump can fit in entirely through the front; the openings on the sides allow access as well. An extra bonus is the door won't hurt any kids around. I also used caulk to seal the plywood all along the base as an effort to water proof; the interior was vinyl painted for a few coats in an attempt at waterproofing.
https://ibb.co/fCVqNfThe inside was a bit more snug than I had hoped. I had initially wanted shelves to fit, and was hopeful this might still happen... Plumbing was too tight ultimately.
https://ibb.co/dxnn2fHere's a shot before the plumbing. 1.5" schedule 40 comes from the overflow to the sump. I'm using a bean animal setup to regulate this. I have a RO 150 INT as the skimmer, then a Syncra SDC 7.0 WiFi driving return through 1" flexible PVC. If I had to do it again, I'd expand the cut out for the fittings - I was unable to fit hard PVC due to space. The AquaMaxx has 3/4" glass- this was daunting to drill, but I managed to have only minimal oystering as a complication that seems to be holding decently with the bulkhead gaskets so far.
https://ibb.co/nqxWTLI got 65lb of dry rock from ReefCleaners, then 18lb of LR from an LRS. There's 70lb of live sand in the display, and 10lb of live sand in the sump. I mounted a 300w MarsAqua above the reef, and also have a cheapo LED rack in the sump for fuge column once it cycles.
I'll be posting updates!