6g to 30g breeder upgrade. Adivce needed.


New member
I posted this in the Nano Forums as well, but not getting many responses. So I though I would post here and get some advice from the local hobbyist as well.

Well I got the itch to upgrade my 6g reef (7 month old) to a 30g breeder tank and want to make sure I am on the right track.

I am going to use a Penguin 350B HOB to filter the tank that I had bought to be used for a QT tank and didn't. I plan to ditch the Bio-wheels, and on the left side run 1 of the stock carbon/poly filter pads and some LR rubble, and on the right I will place a ball of chaeto and LR rubble. I am going to use a "36 inch Current USA Nova Extreme 4x39W T5HO with 3 Lunar Lights" for my lighting, and also a small clamp on light for the chaeto/fuge area. Also I will be doing a 2-3" SB and about 40#s or more of pre-cured LR leaving room for some of the LR that corals will come on. And I will be getting a Remora HOB skimmer for this tank. I may also add a Hydor K-nano or 2 for extra flow.

1) so far does this sound like a good plan? lighting and such?

2) By also using the water, LS and LR from the currently established 6g (all the bacteria aside from what's in the filter) is it possible for me to switch over all the inhabitants from the 6g to the 30g the same day, or would I need to have the 30g go through a cycle period?

3) Any other advice, opinions or information that you can offer to help me in making this work.

Thanks in advance for all advice and help

Here is a pic of the current 6g. I know its nothing special. Everything has been doing wonderfully for the 7 months it has been up. Haven't had a single problem with it. I just want to go bigger now. :)

I would let the new tank cycle with the liverock and everything in it, at least for a few days (maybe move the clownfish over first to make sure that it's cycling just fine). You just want to make sure that even though it's cured, that it'll be able to handle the nitrogen cycle and ammonia output of the fish. The fish can stand higher nitrates while it cycles, so you should be cool, especially if it's cured already.

Remember the order of adding:

Water (pour on top of a plate or a piece of LR so it splashes everywhere instead of one big surge blowing the sand everywhere)

then when all is settled down, the corals.

At least that's what I would do, but what do I know.

Lighting sounds good, if you don't have a hood. if you've got a hood, retrofit with reflectors is the way to go.

I would switch over the corals a few days after the tank has settled out with sand, LR, and fish and you're sure all ammonia/nitrates are gone. If there is a cycle, it should be under a week, since it's all cured already.

Congrats on the move up to the east side, to a deluxe apartment in the sky :)
thanks for the advice ReefWreak, that's what i'll do. I'll set it up with LR, LS and water and just go through a normal cycle process then ad the fish and corals later. Rather be safe then sorry.

What about my filtration. Does that sound ok the way I described it in the first post?