70g stocking suggestions


New member
I'm currently building a 70g mixed reef but leaning more towards lps and softies. I will be running a 30g sump with a 10g fuge and about 60lbs of live rock depending on the scape. I want a open scape so I will be adding other biological media such as 6kg of biohome. I plan on upgrading to a 120 or 150 in a year or two so I'll be using a magus curve 7.

The fish I really want to keep are as follows:
Percula pair
Flame angel
Kole tang
Pair fire fish

I would really like to hear your thoughts on a bottom dweller or 2 and some mid water swimmers that will be compatible and not over crowd the tank. Any recommendations/criticism regarding my want list will also be appreciated. I believe I can stock the tank slightly higher than the average 70g because of the sump and large skimmer. I will also be adding a auto water chanher to change out 10% weekly.
I stocked my 65g with two Fire Gobys and initially they seemed very happy with each other, even sharing a burrow initially. Some months later however one disappeared, and it seems most likely the other one was the culprit. If you want to keep two I believe you need to ensure they are indeed a pair. How you determine this I don't know I'm afraid.

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Ok so I was thinking that the final list look something like this.
Flame angel
Kole tang
2x percula clowns
Flame hawk
2x Yellow watchman
2-3 dispar anthias.

Will my system be able this many fish or should I remove something?
Whether your system can handle it depends on a couple of things - amount of live rock and other media and your nutrient export strategy. You will need to add them gradually in order not to suddenly overload the biological filtration in your tank and cause problems, e.g. max of 1-2 new fish every 2-4 weeks.

As an example my 65g has 2x Occ Clowns, Yellow Tang, Lawnmower Blenny, Sixline Wrasse, Orchid Dottyback and a Fire Goby. I am about to add a Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse when he clears QT. Plus a small CUC, two BTAs and ~8 corals. I have about 22 Kg/50 Lb of live rock and run a small chamber full of Marine Pure balls. I use NoPoX at small levels to control nutrients. Red Sea Reefer 250. This runs very well and I could probably increase fish load a little if I wanted.

The other issue is whether your (and my) tank is large enough to provide a suitable territory for all fish. This is much more dependent on the species, so I will let others with much more experience than me comment on your mix.

Good luck!

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Mandarin only if the the tank has year old LR and enough to support this creature.
And then no wrasses as they will eat all its Copepods.
Anthais, yes, but just one, unless you have a huge tank, otherwise pecking squabbles will persist.