72mm Macro Filter- Which is the best one?


New member
I have been doing searches all night and cannot find a reputable brand for a filter!!! I don't have the $$$ right now to afford a full macro lens, and well, I was thinking of doing this as a last minute Christmas gift.

If anyone knows of one, please let me know! And info as to where I could buy it would be awesome. Thanks in advance!:)
Canon 500D. It comes in different sizes so if you want the 72mm make sure that is the one you get. That is the exact size I have and use.

Thats great, a little more than I am looking to spend though......and I am looking for a +10 filter, and that says no where on the site how much it magnifies by....
"Good quality" and "filter" are somewhat at odds with one another where Macro comes in to play. That 500D is supposed to be really good as far as they go because it is a dual filter with one reversed, which provides optimal quality. You'd probably be better off with an extension tube/set rather than the filters for better quality. With no glass in them, finding them cheap shouldn't be too hard.
Whats the difference between a tube and a filter?

What kind of magnification will that 500D give me? True 1:1 macro...or....