75 Gallon Reef Hopeful :)


New member
I have a 75 Gallon saltwater tanks working towards a reef any and all Input appreciated :)
So stats
Ph 7.8
Salinty 1.026 steady
Dkh 8
Calcium 500
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
Phosphate 0.05 lowest reading on chart
Temp 80
HOB filter with sponge
HOB#2 Macro grape algae with live
2 circulation fans (1 maxi jet 600 and 1 fluval brand one rated for 75gallon)
Protein skimmer submergiable type ( please see specs below)
Light Led ( please see specs below)
45lb live rock
25 lbs live Caribbean fine sand
5 lbs decorative gravel (Children lol)
10lbs decorative glass rock (Children LOL)
1 yellow tang
1 white spot damsel
1 electric blue damsel
1 green chromis
1 maroon clown
4 yellow tail damsel (temporarily until office remodel is done)
1 long spine urchin
12 turbo snail
20 assorted snail(bumblebee, cone,nass., Astraea? So)
Recently added frags
1 Lobo brain 1in
1 bubble coral 5in
2 frags of Favia one Christmas 3 in on dragons breath 1in
5 assorted zoas 1in
1green colt coral colony
1red colt coral 1in
8 head candy cane colony
1 war coral 1in
1 pink plate coral 4in dia?
1 mushroom coral 1in
1 pink chalice coral 1 in
1 purple rimmed green monti 1in
1 rainbow chalice 1in

Please keep in mind not all corals are brand new. I had jumped in to fast and bought corals with fresh tank when I started over I housed some of my frags in my husbands 29 gallon bio cube. The larger of the corals are the ones I have had and when I added these went in first. Over the next 4 weeks I added the rest of my frags.
The fish are the original fish from day one even threw all my mistakes I had almost no fish loss in this tank I did loss 1 yellow tail damsel and 1 white spot.
I don't plan on adding anymore fish until the damsels are rehoused in my office tank but than I will be adding a 6 line wrasse, red hawk fish, and a firefish or goby. What do you think?
I do want to add a sand sifter to my cleaning crew any input?
And the only add is an anemone down the line and a sea pansy.
Anyone new much about sea pansy or recommend an anemone?
Looking good! I don't see the specs listed anywhere you suggested, but it looks like a nice setup. I've never had a sixline wrasse but I don't hear good things about them. I do like my red hawk. He has a lot of personality. I'm sure some others my comment on the coral you have. Take care!
Be careful with the Maroon Clown. Once grown she may decimate the rest of the tank and claim it as her own. The white spot damsel can get mean as well.

If you remove the other 4 damsels you can add some of your wish list. The six-line can be mean as all get out as well, but also could be a perfect tank mate. Red Hawk Fish are fun and personable but will eventually eat any shrimp you have or want to add. The firefish is timid in my experience and with all your (potentially) aggressive tank mates might not make it.
Thanks for the input :) I seen the info on lights and skimmer didn't load I will try again ;)
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I guess the only thing I might add and its just my opinion…. I would change the way you have the rock stacked in there. I would use the bigger pieces on the bottom and try to create as much open space as possible to improve the flow around the rock. It will give the fish more area to to move in and out and be easier to eliminate any dead spots where bad things can accumulate and decay. And as what someone else said you are probably going to have some territorial issues with those damsels (clownfish is a damsel also). The anemone is really hit or miss. It may wander all over your tank or it might stay put. If it wanders the danger is stinging other corals. If you do redo the rock work I would but a canister (if you have a spare) on the tank and let it run so it picks up all the detritus your going to stir up.
You have a lot of potenially agressive fish. The Firefish and goby will probably not survive the 6-line wrasse. I would contact the "Check out your fish here before you purchase," in this forum and give him your list. He would probably tell you that you could never put another fish in after the 6-line. Very territorial.
Make sure you have a lid if you get a firefish. They are pro carpet surfers.

You might also check out some flasher/fairy wrasses. I had a trio of whip fin fairies in a 75 with a big, mean, old maroon clown for about a year until the wife decided she wanted a different clown. The fairies are still doing just great and are very active and colorful.

Ok so all items in and ready! On my way back to start the tear down for the final build yes this would have been so much easier if I did it the right way the first time lol but in a couple
Hours new pics will be up
With water parameters and than it is time to sit back and just watch and let it grow :)
Thanks and yay all done!!! Here are the pics with new rock scape! Since I was told by the lfs my lights where to low for how strong I raised them by aprox 4 inches. My protein skimmer is submerged in the left back corner now nicely raised by 10in with PVC. The skimmer is now in tank submerged 6 1/2 inches.

75 live rock, 30 lbs live sand

Added back all corals and the rock scape is in the middle of tank not against wall so fish can swim all the way threw. Circulation fans on opposite ends if eachother creating circular water movement. New rock scape has two caves one for sun coral and one for chili coral that was added back from 2 gallon nano. All frags are placed evenly in groups based on type.

DRUMROLL PLEASE (Per my son lol)
You may want to try a chalk basslet or even a few. They are very docile and have a bright blue and red coloring which might go well with your tank mates. I ended up getting rid of my clown as he bit everything that was in the tank, he would even dart across the tank to go after someone.
So new to protein skimming lol how long does everyone recommend running with my current stock? And how often do I need to plan on removing and cleaning everything
Currently running at 50% with good foam and yuck creation lol had to empty overflow twice first day than once since than been running 24/7 since purchase except at feeding time for corals
Honestly I would run it around the clock. I would also clean your filters daily until the water is spotless maybe add some new carbon to them. If your led are adjustable you might want to get some more blue in the tank it will make the colors of the corals come out better. Your flow around the rock looks better again my opinion I would eventually replace the solid looking rock with some lighter branching variety. Get a some good test kits and try to do regular water changes with rodi water.
You may want to try a chalk basslet or even a few. They are very docile and have a bright blue and red coloring which might go well with your tank mates. I ended up getting rid of my clown as he bit everything that was in the tank, he would even dart across the tank to go after someone.

Where do the chalk basslet swim mostly, bottom, middle or top of tank?
Thanks and yay all done!!! Here are the pics with new rock scape! Since I was told by the lfs my lights where to low for how strong I raised them by aprox 4 inches. My protein skimmer is submerged in the left back corner now nicely raised by 10in with PVC. The skimmer is now in tank submerged 6 1/2 inches.

75 live rock, 30 lbs live sand

Added back all corals and the rock scape is in the middle of tank not against wall so fish can swim all the way threw. Circulation fans on opposite ends if eachother creating circular water movement. New rock scape has two caves one for sun coral and one for chili coral that was added back from 2 gallon nano. All frags are placed evenly in groups based on type.

DRUMROLL PLEASE (Per my son lol)