85g Flat Back Hex tank plus matching hood, stand, sump, skimmer and pumps


Premium Member

Pretty much everything you need to get rolling. Located in Fleetwood (near Reading). Willing to deliver (within reason) for gas money or meet at TFP or SF.

Tank - Tenacor F085 48x18x24 Flat Back Hex w/center overflow, black back

Stand&Hood - Matching in appalachian granite color

Lighting - Hamilton retrofitted dual 250se halides + vho (all new in past 2 weeks)

Sump - Lifereef sump model lf1-125 Berlin style includes (2) Lifereef auto shutoff pump float switches

Skimmer - Lifereef vs2-24 skimmer

Pumps - 2 Iwaki Japan models rltx30 pumps 1 for return 1 for skimmer

I can upload pics tonight.

The tank needs a little work to clean of remainder of the coralline and remove the usual scratches. I'll include some samples of Novus acrylic polisher and some extra bonus stuff. Also have a calc reactor, and chiller for this setup available.
