90g setup


New member
Was up everybody ...... Been a long time.....

I use to have a 55g tank with a DIY 30g sump, mag-5 return pump running it.
I bought a new RR 90g tank, so I switched the 30g sump to the 90g filled it up and wallllaaa micro bubbles.
I notice that it seams the drain from the display tank is to much causing the water in the sump to come crashing down in the last baffle.

???? What can I do?????? :hmm3:
Yep for me it seams like the overflow "RR" is draining to fast if that's even right
Since the only thing to change in my setup was the display tank.
Bigger drain size on the 90/More drains? More PVC on the 90's drains? More bends in the drains? All of these will create more air bubbles down to your sump. How is your sump designed? does it have bubble traps? Micro bubbles coming from skimmer? Any changes with the skimmer?

Alot of questions I know, but they would all have an effect of your problem.
Sump/refgium = 1st baffle bubble trap into refgium last baffle pump.

Remember I had this same sump with return pump on my 55g with noproblem, the only thing to change was the display tank being RR ready.... The tank drains 1' into the sump there's no elbow or nothing its so simple that I can't belibe it lol.

I filled up the 90g just to get the water moving there's no skimmer,no elbows, nothing just water draining and being returned :)
if you are using the same pump this should not happen, as what you are pumpimg into the dt is the same going down.
post a pick of how you have the drain going into the sump
The only thing I notice different is the way the water moves across the sump very fast :-/
Oh yep I'll try and load a pic of it..
How big were your drain(s) on your 55? did they have any bends in them? Water rushing across the sump now sounds like you were draining less on your previous tank(the bends and size would effect this). Was your pump throttled back on the 55?
I redid the last baffle in the sump, and made something to the effect of a bubble trap... It is working now and I get to put a sponge or media bag there now :)

If and when I learn to upload a pic, you guys be the first to see lol ;-)